企业绩效管理论文+提纲摘要+管理对策 第2页
Along with the vehemence of market competition, the results management is more and more value by the governor, and have become a business enterprise to develop the important factor that can't neglect. The study which therefore manages to the results also becomes one of the hot issue of numerous governors. Pass oneself to physically participate the work process of results management in, gradual meaning and relation managed to the resultses had some superficial understanding. Superficially introduced results management and results to investigate results management as human resource management of core contents, it the basic purpose continuously improve organization and personal results, end carry out the 原文请找腾讯752018766优,文-论'文.网 day by day the vigorous market environment, set up a results management system in succession. But the business enterprise is in actually the operation the process, exist various problems, seriously obstruct and weakenned the results management should include of function. This text with Zhongdongda car company for research object.
First, this text will elaborate the results management's present condition and background in the domestic and international development condition and the research.
Secondly, this text will relate the basic general situation of results management in detail, such as: Origins, contents, characteristics and function etc..
Again, this text will describe the concrete circumstance that the company-Zhongdongda car company study.
At last, this text will all say the problem that Zhongdongda the results management of the car company analysis and suggest to adopt of workout the measure of these problems.
Keyword: Results management, Performance evaluation, countermeasure
1 绪 论
1.1 题目背景及目的
管理大师彼得•德鲁克说过:“人是公司的最大资产” [1]。有效的人力资源管理来自通过诱发员工行为产生优势的实践相结合时,它是公司管理获得并保持竞争优势的重要来源和途径。人力资源的开发利用对经济发展起着决定性作用,人的素质决定了效率。国外公司源源不断地涌入中国,国内公司也持续不断地跨出国门,走向世界,人才竞争原文请找腾讯752018766优,文-论'文.网 念,造就一批有国际视野的人力资源管理队伍,创建新的富有竞争力的人力资源开发和管理体系。先进而创新的富有竞争力的人力资源开发和管理体系离不开我们对员工的绩效管理。要想公司取得最大利润;提高自身在国内外的汽车销售行业的竞争力水平,公司就应该完善自身的员工绩效管理。
尽管绩效管理不能直接解决所有的问题,但它为处理好其中大部分管理问题提供了一个工具。只要管理者投入一定的时间,和员工形成良好的合作关系,绩效管理就可以使上级主管不必介入到所有具体事务中;通过赋予员工必要的知识来帮助他们进行合理的自我决策,从而节省管理者的时间;减少出现当上级主管需要信息时没有信息的局面;减少员工之间因职责不明而产生的误解;通过帮助员工找到错误和低效率的原因来减少错误和偏差。上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] 下一页
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