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幼儿园社会领域教育活动现状调查与分析 第2页

更新时间:2016-7-31:  来源:毕业论文
2. The condition of teachers design social educational activities: (1) Incomplete structure design of teaching activities; (2) Assessment judgments including social requirements, the judgment of the demand for early childhood development; (3) Lack of teaching analysis of social attitudes; (4) The multi-target subject of the statement, the lack of operability; (5) Teaching links arrangements generally to Import - Body - the end of the mode-based, the lack of effective extension link; (6) The teaching method is relatively simple, mainly speech transmission; (7) Evaluation of implementation of children's reactions and learning outcomes, the lack of awareness of the problem.
3. The status of organization implementation of social educational activities: (1) The most in common use implementation form of the activities is collective teaching, teaching content involving children with themself, and others, and collective, and society, teaching methods is language delivery method-based, use diverse teaching materials; diverse teaching evaluation, but the lack of awareness of the problem. (2) Children have higher interest in participate activities but difficult to maintain, the lack of effective participation activities, learning effectiveness is uneven; (3) More frequent interaction between  teachers and children, but most of the interaction are collective teaching and individual guidance.投资风险研究目的意义和国内外研究现状
Based on the findings, the researchers give suggestions for improvement from the two aspects of a good environment to improve teacher capability and the creation of external: 1.Teachers to establish a correct concept of the importance of social education activities; 2.Update the teaching design concept, and constantly enriched social education activities in the field of design; 3.Enhance the ability of organization and implementation of activities by flexible using of teaching methods.4.The kindergarten establishment of specialized teaching and research, rich resources and a variety of learning opportunities. 5. Actively seek the cooperation of parents, community, and work together to build social education activities in the field of benign development environment.

Key Words: social education activities; teachers; design; organization and implementation

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