本研究以高中生群体为对象,目的是修订《初中生拒绝敏感性自评问卷》,使其适用于高中生,进而挑选出具有高拒绝敏感性的高中生。然后,根据心理学的相关原理,运用自编的《团体心理辅导方案》对高拒绝敏感性的学生进行干预。即使用认知重建的方法调节拒绝愤怒性水平,用放松训练的方法调节拒绝焦虑性水平,用转移注意力结合归因训练的方法调节拒绝预期性水平,以此来解决高拒绝敏感性水平对其所带来的消极影响(刘玉娇, 2012)。在研究方法上,通过对《高中生拒绝敏感性自评问卷》的因素分析、信效度检验最终形成适合高中生使用的测评问卷。通过实验组、对照组前后测拒绝敏感性分数的同质性检验、差异性检验的量化分析和实验后的质化分析两个角度对随机挑选出的30名高拒绝敏感的学生干预效果进行分析统计,得出如下研究结论:(1)认知重建的方法可以有效调节拒绝愤怒性水平;(2)放松训练的方法可以有效调节拒绝焦虑性水平;(3)转移注意结合归因训练可以有效调节拒绝预期性水平。团体心理辅导对降低高中生的拒绝敏感水平起到了良好的调节作用,能够有效地降低拒绝敏感性水平(刘玉娇, 2012)。asp.net如何生成静态之shtml
The Group Psychological Guidance of Rejection Sensitivity for Students in High School
The participants of this study were high school students , the purpose is to revise the“Junior High School Students’ Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire”so as to make it suitable for high school students, and then picked out some high school students with high rejection sensitivity. According to the related psychological principle, we designed the “Group Psychological Guidance Scheme of Rejection Sensitivity for Students in High School”,we intervene students with it. In order to solve the negative influence of the high rejection sensitivity, we used cognitive restructuring methods to adjust the level of anger caused by the high rejection sensitivity, we used relaxation training method to alleviate the anxiety by the high rejection sensitivity, we used diverting attention and attribution training to improve the negative tendency of cognitive style for the students. In the research methods, according to the items analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and validity analysis of “High School Students’ Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire”, eventutally we form the assessment questionnaire,which is suitable for the high school students.We intervene thirty students which is randomly selected. Through the method of experimental design, compared to the controled group, we analysied of the intervention effect from two aspects of the quantitative and qualitative analysis, we reached the following research conclusion: (1) Cognitive restructuring methods can effectively alleviate the level of anger caused by the high rejection sensitivity.(2) Relaxation training method can effectively alleviate the anxiety by the high rejection sensitivity.(3) Diverting attention and attribution training can effectively improve the negative tendency of cognitive style for the students.
Key words: rejection sensitivity; high school students; the group psychological guidance2709
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