摘 要
关键词: 会计信息化 内容 发展 建议
Enters for the 21st century after the humanity, initiates the informationtide by the modern information technology to engulf the entire world, the information has become modernized the symbol. Accountant the system also must realize the information as the management system management system important constituent, this is the time development urgent need. Establishes the accounting information system using the modern information technology, is new task which our country accountant faces.The accounting information is complied with the network, the information development tendency, and the most recent information technology the computerization carries on the transformation and the development inevitable result based on the modern management pattern to accountant, is the time development inevitably request, it has the incomparable superiority and the broad prospects for development. However, the domain has not achieved the mutual recognitionin present accountant regarding the accounting information importance. Thisarticle separately introduced the accounting information concept as well as our country accounting information development question from following four aspects:
Part1: Introduces the accounting information development reason and the accounting information importance.
Part2: Have carried on the comprehensive explanation in view of the accounting information characteristic and the content.
Part3: Has carried on the science analysis to our country accounting information development condition.
Part4: The question faces which to our country accounting information development in puts forward some proposals.
Key words: Accounting information Content Development Suggestion
目 录
专题部分 浅谈会计信息化
(一) 会计信息化的发展原因………………………………………………1
(二) 研究会计信息化的意义………………………………………………3
(一) 会计信息化的涵义……………………………………………………4
(二) 会计信息化的特征……………………………………………………5
(三) 会计信息化的基本内容………………………………………………7
(一) 我国会计信息化发展的历程分析……………………………………9
(三) 我国会计信息化发展的现状分析…………………………………12
(一) 加强基础设施的建设和大力发展信息产业………………………13
(二) 加强相关外部环境建设……………………………………………14
(三) 加强人才素质的培养………………………………………………14
(四) 开发会计软件应注意的问题………………………………………14
致 谢…………………………………………………………………………245