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更新时间:2009-3-24:  来源:毕业论文

中 文 摘 要

关键词  VOIP  H.323协议  SIP协议

外 文 摘 要
Title    the network building and configure  based on voip          
The thesis primarily introduced how to establish and configure VOIP. First of all, the thesis recommended phylogeny, applied scope, the example of collocates, quality guarantee, safety problem and the tendency of the development. Moreover, expatiated on network discreteness which constitute of IP telephone, then compared and analyzed the two main agreements: H.323 and SIP. Furthermore, it used two examples to illuminate how to contribute VOIP. The former explained applied instances of point to point; the later specified the process of the item, which actualized item base on SIP in the practice. The process includes introducing the circumstance, preparation of the item when it began to actualize. It also contained specify, results of actualized item, and stated the problem it came across in practice and how to resolve the problem.
Keywords  VOIP  protocol of H.323  the protocol of sip264

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