功能,可以模拟真正的显示效果,便于完善编辑。4.通讯模块:根据具体应用要求,在上位机与下位机之间采用串行通讯方式,在Vc 6.0平台采用直接调用Windows API函数实现串口通信,通过增设的控制窗口,控制下载程序的选择与传输,完成与下位机的通讯。
With the high development of communication in our society,LED large screen include so many kinds of technique such assemiconductor technology,electrocircuit,integrate circuit,image manipulation,information transfers,computer network andelectronic manufacture technology and engineering has become moreand more active in the information field,and also make a greatprogress with application and populaziration in every walk of life.From the development of the material of LED,the technique ofash-degree control,the clearly multicolor image’s displaying tothe active and high efficient drive electrocircuit,also theimproving skill of control system are all incarnate the greatprogress of the LED-industry.In addition,with the developmentof network LED large screen is more and more in used,intelligentize net control and net-join control technology arealso bu used in practice under the multimedia and informationdisplay system composed with multi-device environment.In the basis of the LED large screen system request and consultdatum,this text analysis and sum up the design project.Such assystem-configuration,whole system task flow,the design ofsoftware control system,the programmer for serialcommunicationand the control for singlechip.The system task flow is:under
the compilation-tool of the software control system thecompilation-work can be accomplished;then accomplish picking upthe information word-model,afterwords adding extra display effectinto system according to the display pattern and save the handledfile which needed,multi-files can also be saved to one file,andthen transfer data by using Windows functions.After transfer datato the hardware system SMC,save the data and drive theled-field-array,the image displaying is come true.As the project’s request,the software-model include four section:
1,compilation function model:according to the windowsoperating system,the design of software style is just as the
windows.Through the button in the menu,accomplish thecompilation-work.2,picking-up word model:in order to accomplish compilation,save and foresee in one line,the system achieve it by the softwarecontrol.
3,add additional effect and foresee model:through adding theactive effect,plentify the display model and before saving it canbe foreseed.
4,serialcommunication model:under the using request thesystem’s communication between computer and hardware-model is justas the serialcommunication.When it under the windows API function.The hardware-model is under the singlechip’s control,achievesaving the information and driving the LED.Including:1,led-field-array display:it is consist of LED,fixation anddriving electrocircuit.At last through the control of singlechipaccomplish the word and picture display.2.center control system:under transfer data to the hardwaresystem SMC,save the data and drive the led-field-array,the imagedisplaying is come true.Through the EPROM save-model achievesaving data.
According to the analysis and design of the system,arithmetic,program and support of hardware device,the system is lucubratedand the function of the software control system module and thehardware microcontroller is design,and then finally is in usedin reality.But at the same time,the analysis and design is lied on theapplied request.This system is engaged in propaganda for thetraffic law in the hall of traffic direct and control.To otherapplication request,whether this system is needs updating or the design is satisfied is need farther investigating.The moreadvanced control system and the more pure communication techniqueneeds father learning.Keywords:led,field-array,word-model,serial ommunication415
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