The network has played more and more important role in people's life, the assorted website, the forum corresponding and live, we also need during browsing information's to exchange the information promptly, therefore the message center applies widely in each kind of website. to facilitate everybody's colluding with the gain information, founds this message center especially. This message center onstage contact surface may cause the user to carry on the debarkation and carries on the publication and the examination on the message center, the manager may carry on the management and the maintenance. What it uses is Microsoft Corporation's ASP takes the development kit, Access is the backstage database, constructs a small network message center, plans the frame from the function demand, the ultimate design database
and the compilation code then complete the complete function request.
Key words:Message center,ASP,Database,IIS网络在人们的生活中扮演了越来越重要的角色,各色网站、论坛相应而生,我们在浏览信息的同时也需要及时地交流信息,所以留言板在各类网站中应用广泛。
第一章 相关理论和技术
1.1 开发环境
留言本程序主要用ASP语言编写,其常用的运行环境是Microsoft Internet Information Server3.0/4.0 on Windows NT Server和Microsoft Personal Web Server on Windows 95/98。也就是说,在Windows 95/98/2000/XP环境中都可以使用ASP。
在Windows 95/98中需要安装PWS,在Windows 2000/XP中则需要安装 IIS。我所实现的留言板则是在Windows XP下安装的IIS 5.1版本调试完成的。
1.2 ASP的特点
ASP是Active Server Page的缩写,意为“动态服务器页面”。ASP是微软公司开发的代替CGI脚本程序的一种应用,它可以与数据库和其它程序进行交互,是一种简单、方便的编程工具。ASP的网页文件的格式是.asp,现在常用于各种动态网站中。 ASP是一种服务器端脚本编写环境,可以用来创建和运行动态网页或Web应用程序。
那么,从软件的技术层面看,ASP有如下的特点: 1104