优履带摆臂式搜救机器人设计+现状趋势+动画制作 第2页
ABSTRACT The original variable structure robot status and development trend analysis based on, according to requirements and technical indicators used to design a climbing obstacle stronger, more complete, flexible, high reliability, variable structure robot crawler, to complete the structural transformation of the robot design and animation simulation.
Transmission mode variable structure robot more complex structure, so the robot on the original structural analysis and measurement to understand their body structure and gait capital in place, compared with simulation and structure of the transmission function of contrast, enabling a crawler the design of variable structure robot model, and their body structure, drive design, the design of a tension-depth discussions.
First generation of machines to the structure size and simple structure optimization is to select the parameters of reasonable means, this is one of the key elements to the robot crawler variable structure determination of main drive pulley, for example, introduced a tracked variable structure Optimization of robot specific program, the structure of this variable structure robot design outlined in detail, but also on the different state agencies when DOF is analyzed, and gives the state some typical deformation structure.
First generation machines to structure size and simple in structure optimization is to select the parameter of the reasonable means, the focus of this article also one of the elements, in order to track Variable Manipulators of the main drive pulley to identify an example, the Lvdai-type variable structure robot specific program structure optimization, the structure of this variable structure robot design outlined in detail, but also on the different state agencies when DOF is analyzed, and gives the state some typical deformation structure.
Second, using the software modeling analysis, this variable structure of the robot at different gait under the fuselage structure, given the track-type variable structure structure of the robot gait. Variable structure of the tracked robot gait planning to conduct a study of several proposed gait planning principles, design a stable variable structure robot tracked the static operation mode, and simulation verification.
Key words: Six search and rescue robot crawler rocker Structural Optimization Road gait planning Pro / Engineer modeling software Solid Modeling Animated Simulation摘 要
(2) 德国telemax酚努机器人:
图1-5 telemax
图1-6 telemax行走姿势 图1-7最紧凑姿势
图1-8 telemax酚努机器人
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优履带摆臂式搜救机器人设计+现状趋势+动画制作 第2页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766