The electric vehicle was a kind of machine which was powered with power supply on board of vehicle, driven with motor, was up to the standard of traffic and rule of law. Because the environmental impact was less than traditional automobile, its prospects were widely valued, but the current technology was not mature. The dynamic core of electric vehicle technology was motor.
Motor was a electromagnetic device that achieved electric energy transformed to mechanical energy. Motor’s function was transforming electric energy into mechanical energy, it could be used as a kind of power which was dragging various production in sectors of the national economy, was the most widely dynamic mechanical application. Motor technology was a quite perfect technology. This article was from different from direction of previous research, and combining the characteristics of the electric motor,under the condition of limited energy,realized the purpose which met the demand of electric vehicle.原文请+QQ32,49114优.文'论"文'网
This paper summarized the history and development of electric vehicle, classification and characteristics, developing tendency,and basic structure, transmission diagram, working principle and advantages and disadvantages of double Output shaft motor. It made the mathematical modeling, control system, and simulation of double Output shaft motor, according to the design’s requirements, designed the transmission scheme, transmission, the transmission mechanism of Planetary tumbler and differential mechanism.
Key words: electric vehicle double Output shaft mo毕业论文 tor design developing tendency
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1电动汽车技术发展简介 1
1.2电动汽车的分类及特点 1
1.2.1纯电动汽车 1
1.2.2混合动力汽车 1
1.2.3燃料电池汽车 1
1.2.4氢动力汽车 1
1.2.5燃气汽车 1
1.2.6生物乙醇汽车 1
2.电动汽车动力核心----电动机 1
2.1电动机结构组成 1
2.2.1 电动汽车电动机驱动原理 1
2.2.2车用双轴输出式电动机工作原理 1
2.2.3制作实物模型验证理论 1
2.2.4 车用双轴输出式电动机结构 1
2.2.5永磁同步交流电动机的工作原理 1
3车用双轴输出式电动机理论研究 1
3.1永磁同步对转双转子电动机的研究 1
3.1.1永磁同步对转双转子电动机的数学建模 1
3.1.2电动机参数选择 1
4 车用双轴输出式电动机传动系统设计 1
4.1 行星齿轮换向机构的设计 1
4.1.1选取行星齿轮换向机构的传动类型和传动简图 1
4.1.2 配齿计算 1
4.1.3初步设计齿轮的材料和加工精度 1
4.1.4计算齿轮的模数 1
4.1.5 啮合参数计算 1
4.1.6几何尺寸的计算 1
4.1.7 齿轮强度的校核 1
4.2 差速器齿轮的基本参数的选择 1
4.2.1行星齿轮数 1
4.2.2行星齿轮球面半径 1
4.2.3行星齿轮和半轴齿轮齿数 1
4.2.4行星齿轮和半轴齿轮节锥角及模数 1
5.永磁同步对转双转子电动机的控制系统模型 1
5.1永磁同步对转双转子电动机的控制系统模型建立 1
5.2车用双轴输出式电动机仿真 1
5.3结论 1
总 结 1
参考文献 1
附 录 1
外文翻译 1
谢 辞 1
1 绪论
早在19世纪后半叶的1873年,英国人罗伯特•戴文森(Robert Davidsson)制作了世界上最初的可供使用的电动汽车。这比德国人戴姆勒(Gottlieb Daimler)和本茨(Karl Benz)发明汽油发动机汽车早了10年以上。在19世纪下半叶, 电动汽车成为交通运输的重要产品,写下了电动汽车在人类交通史上的辉煌一页。1890年法国和英国伦敦的街道上行驶着电动大客车,当时生产的车用内燃机技术还相当落后,行驶里程短,故障多,文修困难,而电动汽车却文修方便。2080
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