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采购管理英文参考文献和翻译 第4页

更新时间:2012-5-2:  来源:毕业论文
meeting  with  the  purchasing  director  and  purchasing
After this  直接数字合成器AD9951电路设计
managers of the different product groups.  meeting
we constructed a final total cost of ownership matrix which
included  the  relevant  elements  for  the  different  product
groups  at  Usinor.  The  resulting  total  cost  of  ownership
matrix is given in Figure 1. This matrix is a key element in
our approach.  It provides the framework for analysing  the
purchasing  activities  and  related costs  according  to  three
dimensions  and allows us to define the relation between the
decision  variables in the mathematical  model  and the total
cost  of ownership. 本文来自优,文'论.文,网原文请找腾讯3249.114
A first dimension, depicted in the columns  of Figure  1, is
the place of  the activity  and its associated  cost  within  the
value  chain  of  the  purchasing  company.  This  dimension
life  of  the  or
represents  the  cycle  costs  products  services,
which  were externally  bought.  Shields  and  Young'3  argue
that  life cycle costs  that a purchaser incurs after buying a
and  are  thus
product  are  becoming  a  larger  percentage
in  With  to
increasingly important  purchase decisions.  respect
the  value  chain  dimension  we  distinguish  acquisition,
and  elimination  activities
reception,  possession,  utilization
and the related costs.  This allows  us to explicitly take into
account  the impact of purchasing strategies on the activities
and costs throughout  the entire company.
Activities and the associated costs can also be
on  the basis  of  their hierarchical level.  The
activity-based  八路抢答器设计+原理框图+电路图+PCB图
literature defines  different  cost
costing  hierarchies14 for  a
and  these  hierarchies  to
company  applies  manufacturing,
marketing and  research and development  expenses.  In our
approach, we tailor this hierarchy to the purchasing context.

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