摘 要 随着科技的不断进步,计算机已进入人类社会的各个领域并发挥着重要作用。书籍是人类不可缺少的精神食粮,而人们获取书籍的途径随着电子商务的发展变的日益便捷,网上书店的设计和实现就是基于这一基础来实现的。本题目是开发一个名为清雅书屋的在线图书销售系统。本系统结构合理,简单明了,美观大方并能够快速、准确的响应用户所进行的操作,系统管理员能很好的对数据库进行必要的管理操作,使复杂繁琐的工作变得快速简单。采用B/S模型,应用ASP语言作为开发语言,利用功能强大的Dreamweaver8作为应用开发工具。数据库开发采用Microsoft公司的 Access2007工具。
Abstract Along with the technical progressing, the computer entered thehuman society each domain and is playing the vital role. The books are arehumanity's essential spiritual foods, but the way which people gain books change along with the electronic commerce development areday became convenient day by day, the on-line bookstore's design and therealization are based on this foundation. This topic developed a On-line books sale system named Qingya reading room. The structure of this 原文请找腾讯752018766优,文/论'文.网 to change fast simply. Uses the B/S model, using the ASP language took the development language, takes the applicationdevelopment kit using function formidable Dreamweaver8. The databasedevelopment uses Microsoft Corporation the Access2007 tool.
The system mainly includes the customer basic document management, the shopping vehicle management, the customer message informationmanagement and the system maintenance management and so on several bigmodules. These modules basically have realized the basic functionwhich the on-line books sale needed. The big maket staff's working efficiency, has caused the books to buy and to sell changessimply with ease, causes the bookstore the management even more flow,scientific style, intellectualization.
The first chapter of this paper introduce system development background,the practical significance, as well as must achieve design goal and soon; Second chapter carries on carries on the analysis to the systemdevelopment and the application feasibility; Third chapter carries on the demand analysis to the system, launches from the bookstoremanagement and reader's angle; Fourth chapter carries on the system design, carries on the analysis to system each module; Fifth chaptercarries on the database design analysis, mainly from the concept, thelogic, design aspect and so on physics analyzes; Sixth chapteranalysis concrete realization process; Seventh chapter carries on thesystem the test, the analysis test result; The eighth chapter theperformance which achieves to the system carries on the analysis, fromthe integrity, the security and the concurrency launches; The ninthchapter the achievement which summarizes this design process andachieved.
Key words: On-line bookstore; Shopping vehicle; B/S structure
目 录
第1章 前言 1
1.1 毕业设计题目的背景分析 1
1.2 社会需求情况及设计的意义 1
1.3 系统基本达到的目标及结论 2
第2章 可行性分析 3
2.1 可行性研究 3
2.1.1 技术可行性 3
2.1.2 经济可行性 3
2.1.3 操作可行性 4
2.2 软、硬件配置及结构 4
2.2.1 硬件配置 4
2.2.2 软件配置 4
2.3 系统结构 5
第3章 需求分析 6
3.1 工作需求 6
3.2 数据流图 7
3.3 数据字典 7
第4章 总体设计 10
4.1 系统总体概述 10
4.2 设计原则和过程 10
4.2.1 原则 10
4.2.2 过程 10
4.3系统总体功能图 11
4.3 子系统的模块功能简介 12
4.3.1 图书浏览模块 12
4.3.2 图书管理模块 12
4.3.3 购物车模块 12
4.2.4订单管理模块 12
4.2.5 顾客反馈信息模块 13
4.2.6 顾客反馈信息管理模块 13
4.2.7 顾客的注册、登录模块 13
4.2.8 用户管理模块 13
第5章 数据库设计 14
5.1 概念设计 14
5.2 逻辑设计 15
5.2.1 设计原理 15
5.2.2 解释设计 16
5.2.3 建立逻辑设计结果 16
5.3 物理设计 16
第6章 详细设计 19
6.1 功能设计 19
6.2 子系统设计 20
6.3 系统的详细设计 20
第7章 系统的调试与测试 26
7.1 系统调试与测试说明 26
7.2 系统测试方法 26
7.3 系统测试类型 27
7.4 调试过程及调试结果分析 27
7.4.1 登陆功能的测试 27
7.4.2 查询功能的测试 27
7.4.3 购物车功能的测试 27
7.4.4 留言板功能测试 28
7.5 调试结果分析 28
7.6 软件文护 30
第8章 性能分析 31
第9章 总结 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 34
附 录 35,1688