Chinese name means it is quick in healing a patient from the cold. Pioneer/先锋(hi-fi equipment; CHINA), sufficiently tells the customers the fact that it can provide them a fabulous experience of acoustics and its ambition to take the lead in hi-fi industry. Youngor/雅戈尔(clothes manufacturer; CHINA ),came from younger, which gives us an impression that it will make people look younger. Nestle/雀巢(food manufacturer; SWISS),means being at ease and babies need attending to. So this name assures people that it will cater to babies like their mother with its nutritious products. Kiss me/奇士美(lipstick; TAIWAN),not only shocks women with a sexy image but also persuades them to have a try to show their beauty. Safeguard/舒肤佳(soap; USA) highlights its capacity to prevent users from bacteria after using it and its mildness to make them comfortable, which will demonstrate that it enjoys remarkable effect.
3.1.3 Positive but Not Negative毕业论文 It is natural that brand names be positively appealing to customers because people are psychologically keen on things that express good meanings. Whatever ways people from both cultures create their brand names, numbers with auspicious meanings are always a fashion. But the very same number may mean quite the other way. Take “5” for instance. According to the study of Chinese medicine, there are five basic elements that constitute the whole world. In addition, it is one of the numbers (5 and 9) that stand for the position of an emperor in China, so it is auspicious for Chinese. 五粮液(wine; means Wine made up of five grains), 五芳斋(Food) are here to stay. Others like “8”, whose pronunciation is similar to “making huge fortune” in China, means being wealthy, undoubtedly 8+8(café) can be evocative to Chinese people. How about the case of “7”? It is frequently the choice in the accidental, known as “Lucky 7” and it derives from many allusions, such as that the God created the world in 7 days; there were 7 gods in Babylon in charge of the earthy world at turns. Thus it carries fortunate meanings in Christian world. So Coca-Cola named a drink Seven-Up out of this reason. While in China, “7” is the total of yin-yang and the five elements, known as “和/Harmony” in Confucianism, or “气/Spirits” in Taoism. It has positive and sublime meanings as well. So we have柒牌/ SEVEN (men`s clothes) and 七匹狼/SeptWolves(men’s clothes) in China.
爱立信/Ericsson(mobile phone; USA), was a hit among the Chinese youngsters for it meant setting credit out of love, whereas, 三星/SUMSUNG(mobile phone; S .Korea) sounds like butthead in Chinese, so it steers some people away. 金利来/Goldlion was first translated into Chinese 金狮. However, the Cantonese people, especially those in Hong Kong were disgusted by it because it meant total loss in Cantonese. It greeted few customers out of this reason. Later, Mr Hin-sen Tseng perfected it by dividing the English name into two, and translating the former part, Gold, into “金”,and the latter one, “lion”, according to its pronunciation, into “利来”, so there came 金利来. Marvelously, the situation changed for good, this auspicious name brought good luck to the company. This name attributed a lot to its prosperous development.
3.1.4 Gender Orientation原文请+QQ324"9114 优'文^论;文'网
People of different genders will have different preferences toward brand names. In turn the brand names will show their directions to their targeted groups in the market. Males represent power and toughness, so many garment brands were created with names that can embody the concept like Playboy/花花公子(magazine; USA), 硬汉(tough men; CHINA) and BOSS(USA). To attract females, names should be also related to them: 太太乐(seasoner; CHINA) means housewives are happy; Elle(magazine) means “she” in English; Pour Vous Madame(perfume; FRANCE), 孩之宝(toy manufacturer; USA)etc.
3.2 Differences of Cultural Connotation of both Brand Names
3.2.1 “Image” VS. “Phonology”
Under different cultural contexts and due to regional distinction, something good and acceptable in a country might be something bad and unacceptable in another one.毕业论文 Chinese is an ideographic-oriented syllabic script with meanings, and English is an alphabetic script without actual meaning but sound. This can be applied on brand names of both languages.
When naming a brand after a kind of plant or animal, Chinese firms care for its connotations, while English ones just care for what it look like in appearance. Thus, the animals or plants quoted need symbolizing with acceptable connotations in Chinese brands, whereas for their English counterparts, presentations need matching the features of products. 龙, which was a symbol of the royal class in China, thus has a positive meaning. But it can barely survive in the soil of western brand names just because its English name dragon, which was a brutal, lizard-like monster in western legend and it is now referred to a person with ill manners. In addition, in the Bible it is described as Satan in disguise. So others are few trademarks with the name dragon in western commercial world, while in Chinese market, there are numberous as金龙(vihicle manufacturer; CHINA), meaning golden dragon and some which have been quoted previously in this article. Caterpillars can not be, or will never break their cocoons to be a Chinese brand name for they give a disgusting impression among Chinese people. However, they are acceptable in English. Caterpillar (construction machinery; USA) adopted this name for a caterpillar track for it move just the way as a caterpillar. For example, 白象(battery manufacture; CHINA) introduced its products to overseas countries with the English name, White Elephant, only happened to be greeted by dull response in the U.S. The reason? “White elephant” means redundancy and things huge in size but useless. Such products with this title would not sell. Another case is 大白兔(candy; CHINA) would suffer the same in Australia.
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