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成员国卫生系统绩效评估数学建模 第3页

更新时间:2011-12-25:  来源:毕业论文
2. Introduction
Today and every day, the lives of vast numbers of people lie in the hands of health system
From the safe delivery of a healthy baby to the care with dignity of the frail elderly, health syste
have a vital and continuing responsibility to people throughout the lifespan. They are crucial to t
healthy development of individuals, families and societies everywhere. Due to the irreplaceab
rolethatthehealthcaresystemsplayinresidents’life,betterhealth care system is neede
“mprovingperformance ”is therefore the key words today.  
However,  nowadays health care systems  in many countries  do not exhibit enough hi
effectivenessinguaranteeingresidents’goodhealthandalonglifeexpectancy. In some countrie
their government invests large amount of money on the health care systems, however, they didn
archive what they should have been to archive. We try to explore an optimized system in th
paper. 原文请加优.文^论,文'网QQ324.9114
3. Key Terminology    Health Care System (HCS)   
Health  Care  System  is  such  a  system  that  has  its  input  and  output,  representing  tot
expenditure on health and its goal attainment respectively.    Evaluation of Absolute Effectiveness of Health Care System (EAE)
It is a kind of evaluation system that only considers the outcomes of the health care syste
saying nothing to do with the input (resources), and adapts the outcomes as measurement
effectiveness.    Evaluation of Relative Effectiveness of Health Care System (ERE)
It is a kind of evaluation system that considers the outcomes of the health care system as w
its  inputs,  and  adapts  units  of  output  produced  by  unit  of  input  as  measurement 论文网http://www.youerw.com/  
effectiveness.    Absolute Total Score (ATS)
Overall score for the evaluation of absolute effectiveness of health care systems    Relative Total Score (RTS)
Overall score for the evaluation of relative effectiveness of health care systems    Input Metrics (IM)
Metrics that are specified to assess input of HCS    Output Metrics (OM)
Metrics that are specified to assess output of HCS   
4. Choosing output metrics for measuring health care system

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