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成员国卫生系统绩效评估数学建模 第4页

更新时间:2011-12-25:  来源:毕业论文
Table 1. Notation for goals and metrics
Goals of Health System  Notation  Metrics for Evaluation  Notation
Health    U1  Overall level of health    u1
Distribution of health in the population    u2
Responsiveness  U2  Overall level of responsiveness    u3
Distribution of responsiveness    u4
Fairness in Finance  U3  Distribution of financial contribution    u5
4.1 Goals of Health Care System  
According to the World Health Report in 2000, the WHO pointed out the three goal of
health care system, each goal with different priority [WHO 2000].    Better Health  
Better health is unquestionably the primary goal of a health system, with the highest priority.    Fairness in financial contribution. 原文请加优.文^论,文'网QQ3249.114
Fairness in financial contribution is the second goal, with a relatively lower priority to health.    Responsiveness
ponsivenesstopeople’sexpectationsinregardto non -health  matters  reflects  the
and is the third goal ,with the lowest priority.
4.2 Characteristics of a good health care system
Goodness&&Fairness [WHO 2000]
As the WHO defined what a good health care system was in its World Health Report
in2000, a good health care system is a combination of Goodness and Fairness. A good health
system, above all, contributes to good health. But it is not always satisfactory to protect or
improve the average health of the population, if at the same time inequality worsens or 论文网http://www.youerw.com/  
remains high because the gain accrues disproportionately to those already enjoying better
health.  The  health  system  also  has  the  responsibility  to  try  to  reduce  inequalities  by
preferentially improving the health of the worse-off, wherever these inequalities are caused
by conditions amenable to intervention. The objective of good health is really twofold: the
best attainable average level  – goodness – and the smallest feasible differences among
individuals and groups – fairness. A gain in either one of these, with no change in the other,
constitutes an improvement, but the two may be in conflict.    
4.3 Output metrics for measuring health care system

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