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成员国卫生系统绩效评估数学建模 第5页

更新时间:2011-12-25:  来源:毕业论文
We use the measure of disability-adjusted life expectancy – DALE to assess the overall
level of population health. This measure converts the total life expectancy for a population to
  Distribution of health in the population
         We use the index of equality of child survival to assess distribution of health in the
population.  It  is  based  on  the  distribution  of  child  survival  across  countries,  and  takes
advantage of the widely available and extensive information on complete birth histories in
the demographic and health surveys and small area vital registration data on child mortality.
WHO defined it as follows[WHO 2000]:   原文请加优.文^论,文'网QQ324.9114
Where   is the survival time of a given child and    is the mean survival time across children
  Overall level of responsiveness
Responsiveness includes two major components:
(1) Respect for people (including dignity, confidentiality and autonomy of individuals and
families to decide about their own health);  
(2) Client orientation (including prompt attention, access to social support networks during 论文网http://www.youerw.com/  
care, quality of basic amenities and choice of provider). The level of responsiveness was
based on a survey of key informants in selected countries. And WHO defined the index of
Overall level of responsiveness as weighted average of its seven components: [WHO 2000]
  Distribution of responsiveness
         We  use  a  simple  approach  to  quantize  the  distribution  of  responsiveness.  That  is
respondents  in  the  key  informant  survey  were  asked  to  identify  groups  who  were
disadvantaged with regard to responsiveness. The number of times a particular group was
identified as disadvantaged was used to calculate a key informant intensity score. Four groups
had high key informant intensity scores: poor people, women, old people, and indigenous
groups or racially disadvantaged groups (in most instances minorities). The key informant
intensity scores for these four groups were multi- plied by the actual  percentage of the
population within these vulnerable groups in a country to calculate a simple measure  of
responsiveness inequality ranging from 0 to 1. The total score was calculated taking into
account the fact that some individuals belong to more than one disadvantaged group.    
  Distribution of financial contribution

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