The fair financing measure estimates the degree to which health funding is rai
according to the ability to pay for all members of the population. It captures concerns such
progressivity, and protection from catastrophic health costs. Fair financing is only concer
with distribution. In order that complete equality of household contributions is 1 and
below the largest degree of inequality observed across countries, WHO defined the in fairn
index. And the index is of the form:[WHO2000]
Where HFC is the financial contribution of a given household and HFC is the average financial contribution
across households. 原文请加优.文^论,文'网QQ3249.114
5. Determining the weight of the metrics and data processing
5.1 Weights from statistical data
The key informant survey, consisting of 1791 interviews in 35 countries, yielded scores (fr
to 10) on each element of responsiveness, as well as overall scores. A second, Internet-ba
urvey of 1006 participants (half from within WHO) generated opinions about the rela
mportance of the elements, which were used to combine the element scores into an overall sc
nsteadofjusttakingthemeanorusingthekeyinformants’overallresponses [World He
Report 2000].See figure 1 and 2:
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