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ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸对ARDS大鼠的保护作用及机制研究 第3页

更新时间:2014-5-15:  来源:毕业论文
ALI (acute lung injury, ALI)/ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS) is characterized by excessive systemic inflammatory response. People in the drug treatment of ALI/ARDS in variety of anti-inflammatory, However these efforts have not made significant Progress in the anti-inflammatory treatment. In recent years Sepsis/septic shock treatment guidelines recommend low dose of glucocorticoid for the treatment of Sepsis/Septic shock, In particular,in vivo existence of relative adrenal cortical insufficiency In critically ill patients, Provide a theoretical,basis.
Dexamethasone is a long-term glucocorticoid,long half-life in vivo, strong effect on glucose metabolism, weak effect on water-electrolytes metabolism, recent studies found that low-dose dexamethasone with anti-septic shock and anti-inflammatory effect, the mechanism may inhibit the activation of NF-kb and reducing the production of inflammatory mediators, Domestic research has confirmed that low-dose dexamethasone in vitro inhibition of LPS induced of the human monocyte NF-kb activation and TNF-a production and play anti-inflammatory effects, this effect is not enhanced with increasing dose.
In this study, Early low-dose dexamethasone intervention in ARDS rat model to further explore Early low-dose dexamethasone the protective mechanisms of ARDS rat and glucocorticoid receptor expression.
Material and methods
Healthy male Wistar rats weighing 250~320g (from the Experimental Animal Center of Nan Chang University, Jiangxi). 18 rats were randomly divided into three group. Negative group, ARDS group, Low dose Dexamethasone treatment group, each group has eight. Measured arterial oxygen, lung wet dry ratio, lung pathology slices, by ELISA method to measure the concentrations of TNF-α and SP-A in the blood, by RT-RCR to measure the glucocorticoid receptor expression of lung tissue, by Immunohistochemical method to measure the expression of NF-kb.
Result C++骑士巡游问题
The arterial partial pressure of oxygen, survival rate, the lung wet-dry weight ratio, the TNF-α,SP-A concentration of lung tissue and glucocorticoid receptor expression of lung tissue, All the above indicators of Low dose Dexamethasone treatment group  compared with the ARDS group were different significantly P <0.05.
Early low-dose dexamethasone by inhibiting NF-kb activation thereby reducing the inflammatory substances, Improve alveolar SP-A content, does not reduce or increase glucocorticoid receptor expression, Has a therapeutic of ALI/ARDS in rat.
1.Low-dose dexamethasone to reduce the degree of edema of lung tissue in ALI/ARDS model by inhibiting the activation of NF-kb, Improve oxygen partial pressure, Indicating that the antagonistic inflammatory response can significantly

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