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时间:2023-02-01 22:23来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键字:扁管状SOFC 阴极厚度 孔隙率

Abstract Fuel cell is an energy conversion device, which converts chemical energy directly into electrical energy。 The characteristics of high conversion efficiency and green environmental protection make it have a good development prospects。 Experimental study of fuel cells in the economy and technology has a high demand, and its workload is big, the content is tedious, so this article uses simulation method to simulate the battery working process is a very good choice。 The influence of parameters on the performance of the battery can be simulated, and some suggestions are given on how to improve the performance of the fuel cell。
The thesis is pided into three chapters:
The first chapter briefly introduces the basic knowledge of the fuel cell, including the thermodynamics, kinetics and the quality and electronic transmission when working。 The research status of fuel cell is also described。
In the second chapter, the fuel cell model was established, and hydrogen distribution, oxygen distribution, water distribution, cathode potential distribution and oxygen distribution were obtained。 And the distribution characteristics of the key physical quantities are analyzed。
In the third chapter, the influence of cathode thickness, porosity and fuel duct width on the performance of fuel cell is analyzed。 It is found that the current density increases with the increase of the thickness of the cathode, but the increase rate is smaller and smaller。 Porosity has little effect on the performance of flat tubular SOFC, and the increase of the porosity cannot significantly improve the current density and efficiency of the fuel cell。 The width of fuel pipeline has a significant influence on the battery current density。 The decrease of the width of the pipe means the reduction of the current path, which also means that the electric resistance decreases, so the current density will be increased。

Keywords: flat tubular SOFC; cathode thickness; porosity
目  录

第一章  绪论   1
1。1 燃料电池简介   1
1。2 燃料电池热力学   4
1。3 燃料电池质量传输   8
1。4 燃料电池研究现状   9
第二章  燃料电池模型   11
2。1  模型几何结构   11
2。1。1 阳极   11
2。1。2 阴极   12
2。1。3 电解质   13
2。1。4 连接体   13
2。1。5 尺寸   14 阳极支撑扁管固体氧化物燃料电池阴极厚度对其性能的影响:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_131955.html