毕业论文关键词: 42CrMo;固体渗硼;渗硼层;激光重熔
Title Laser modification and performance of the boronized layer
Abstract In this study,the 42CrMo steel were pack-borided at 910℃ and 940℃ for 3 and 5h by using solid boronizing agent under the condition of high temperature。 Through the optical microscope,the microstructure of the samples,which were under different thermal conditions and the thermal insulation time, was observed and at the same time, the layer of 200μm was prepared。Through the observation of the organization,we determined to use the samples which were borided at 910℃ and 940℃ for 5h for laser surface treatment。The samples were treated under the power of 100,300,500,700W,the scan rate of 300mm/min and the scan rate of 100,300,500mm/min ,the power of 300w。By observing the changes of microstructure and hardness were further studied。
The results show that the combination of different lase power and scanning speed for infiltration layer morphology produced different effects,also after laser treatment surface appeared remelting zone and transition zone,greatly improve the permeability layer of the macroscopic properities。
Key word: 42CrMo;Solid boronizing;Borides;Laser remelting
目 次
1 绪论。。。 1
2 实验方法 。。。6源-于,优Y尔E论W文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018`766
2。1 实验材料与设备6
2。2 实验过程与实验方案8
3 实验结果分析讨论 。11
3。4 激光处理后的组织结构。。。。16
结论 18
致谢 19
1 绪论
1。1 引言From+优`尔^文W网wWw.YouErw.com 加QQ75201^8766
渗硼能够显著的改善钢件的表面性能,如硬度、耐磨性、抗氧化性以及耐腐蚀性,相比于渗碳渗氮,渗硼得到的工件表面的性能往往会更加优良。然而很多研究都表明,经过渗硼处理后在渗层处形成的硼化物中的FeB相和Fe2B相具有很大的硬度和脆性,这两者之间以及Fe2B和基体之间的密度和热膨胀系数有较大差异,因此在工作过程中会产生较大内应力,严重时会导致渗层的破裂。在实验中,当试件承受局部载荷时,这种形式的组织不会使渗硼区的强化效果发挥出来。表面针状组织被激光照射后可以获得共晶状结构,这样可以提高工件表面的韧性和延展性。当前研究的目的就是研究低碳渗硼钢的激光处理,将其作为一种改善针状组织的可行方法。特别关注的焦点是使针状组织发生改变所必需的激光最低功率。激光处理的优势是强烈的能量源能够改变表面渗硼层的结构,但不会影响到内部的微观结构和性能。 渗硼层激光改性工艺与性能:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_146262.html