
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 材料科学 >


时间:2023-03-12 20:28来源:毕业论文



关键词  电弧增材制造  单层多道焊  高氮钢  力学性能  微观组织 


Title   High nitrogen steel arc robot increasing material forming           



   This subject adopts nine axis collaborative double wire welding system, using the method of melting pole in gas protection welding, the self-made characteristics of high nitrogen steel wire, and 308 stainless steel double arc wire feed with the increasing material manufacturing component of the surface morphology, mechanical properties, microstructure and its influencing factors。

   First by high nitrogen steel single pass gain material test, to determine the reasonable range of welding parameters, welding two ten storey increasing material, and found storey, weld width, forming and welding process parameters。 The hardness test showed that the hardness of the increasing material was decreased, and the hardness of high nitrogen steel was higher than that of high nitrogen steel and stainless steel。 Tensile tests show that the tensile strength of high nitrogen steel is lower than that of pure high nitrogen steel, which is higher than that of high nitrogen steel and stainless steel。 The weld microstructure of high nitrogen steel is composed of austenite and δ ferrite, and the grain size of the heat affected zone is larger than that of the weld zone due to the increase of heat input。

Keywords  Wire Arc Additive Manufacture  Single layer multi-pass welding              High nitrogen steel   Mechanical Property  Microstructure

目   次

1 绪论 1

1。1 选题背景 1

1。1。1 电弧增材制造技术背景 1

1。1。2 高氮钢选题背景 1

1。2 研究技术现状 3

1。2。1电弧增材制造技术发展现状 3

1。2。2其他增材制造现状 3

1。3 高氮钢的应用现状 4

1。4 研究内容和意义 5

2 试验材料、设备、方法 9

2。1 试验材料 7

2。2 焊接设备 7

    2。3 试验方法 9

2。3。1  焊接试验 9

2。3。2  金相分析 10

2。3。3  硬度试验 11

2。3。4  拉伸实验 高氮钢构件机器人电弧增材成型试验:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_147879.html
