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时间:2023-03-18 20:56来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词    活性粉末混凝土  水灰比  水化反应  厚度效应  倾角效应 


Title  Structure and Properties of 400MPa  ultra high performance armor materials     

Abstract In this paper, the principle of the preparation of reactive powder concrete (RPC) is based on the selection of high purity, particle size distribution and reasonable raw material, the use of water-reducing agent to reduce the water-cement ratio, adding steel fiber to enhance its toughness, stir using a pressurized vibration method They were cast, and the use of the standard curing ,the way high-temperature water conservation and raise steam curing in proper order during the molding process, eventually prepared RPC material having high strength and high toughness。

This article discusses the RPC enhancements principles and preparation techniques, through bending, compression test to study the factors influencing the RPC strength。 By volume, mass, resonant frequency and dynamic modulus of measuring changes in the conservation process RPC studied the conservation process hydration progress and impact。 By targeting were studied armor protection performance RPC。源-于,优Y尔O论U文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

Keywords  Reactive powder concrete  water-cement ratio  hydration   thickness effect  inclination effect

目   次

1  引言1

1。1  关于RPC 1

1。2  关于膨胀水泥 2

1。3  关于装甲防护4

2  试验工作 5

2。1  原料与配合比 5

2。2  RPC试块制备工艺 7

2。3  RPC试块性能测试8

3  试验数据及分析12

3。1  抗折、抗压强度测试数据及分12

3。2  收缩膨胀、动弹性模量测试数据及分析16

3。3  靶场弹道测试数据及分析20

结论  24

致谢  25


1  引言From~优Y尔R论^文W网wWw.YoUeRw.com 加QQ7520.18766

1。1  关于RPC


Pierre Richard在其文章“COMPOSITION OF REACTIVE POWDER CONCRETES”中指出:近些年,提高RPC抗压强度的研究朝2条路线进行。第一条研究加压条件下含颗粒的基质混凝土(DSP),同时向基体中加入超增塑剂、硅灰和极硬的骨料(煅烧矾土或花岗岩);另一条路线研究MDF(零宏观缺陷)聚合物糊剂,这些糊剂具有很高的抗拉强度(150MPa或更高),尤其当它们和含铝混凝土混合时。对于混凝土态基质的低塑性问题的一种解决办法是探寻钢纤维的注入,因此SIFCON(泥浆渗透含纤维混凝土)技术涉及在结构中掺入大量纤维和注入流体灰泥浆。 400MPa超高性能装甲防护材料结构与性能研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_149350.html
