
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 材料科学 >


时间:2024-05-19 08:28来源:95427



Abstract:In this paper, the influence of In element on the wettability, mechanical properties and microstructure of Sn-10Bi solder was studied.In the Sn-10Bi solder to add different content of In elements, solder wetting will be different.When the addition of 1 wt.% Of In in the Sn-10Bi solder, the wettability of the solder did not change significantly. When the 3 wt.% And 5 wt.% Of the In element were added to the solder,the improvement of the wettability and the spreading area of solder on the Cu substrate were obviously increased, indicating that the addition of In element improved the wettability of Sn-10Bi solder.When adding different content of In elements in Sn-10Bi solder, it was found that the Bi phase in the solder was first reduced, the spherical Sn-rich phase appeared, followed by the Sn-rich phase extension, and the Bi-phase segregation was distributed around the Sn phase.When 5wt.% Of the In element is added, dark black material appears in the microstructure of the solder.By analyzing the microstructure, it was found that the added In element replaces Bi and Bi acts as a solid solution in the solder.  In addition, the results of the shear test show that different amounts of In are added to the Sn-10Bi solder.The shearing force of the solder is significantly reduced.The experimental results show that the In element has an effect on the shear strength of the solder.

Keywords:Sn-Bi-In lead-free solder;wettability;mechanical properties

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2传统钎料与无铅钎料 1

1.2.1传统钎料的使用及危害 1

1.2.2无铅钎料的提出及研究发展 2

1.3Sn-Bi系钎料的研究 4

1.3.1添加其他元素对Sn-Bi系钎料的影响 4

1.3.2Sn-Bi基钎料的研究方法及现状 10

1.4本论文的研究方法及内容 11

第二章 试验方法及过程 12

2.1试验试样的制备 12

2.1.1熔钎料 12

2.1.2钎料制样 13

2.2试验步骤 13

2.2.1Sn-10Bi-xIn钎料的铺展试验 13

2.2.2Sn-10Bi-xIn钎料的力学性能试验 14

2.2.3Sn-10Bi-xIn钎料的显微组织试验 Sn-Bi-In钎料的组织与性能研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_203905.html
