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时间:2024-10-07 11:42来源:97758
经往复挤压后纯铜管材组织明显细化,从退火态的 400μm 细化至亚微米 级。组织由退火态的等轴晶变为与管材切向平行的片状,细化晶粒效果显著.




Abstract:Tube cyclic extrusion-compression is a new technique of severe plastic deformation, and the tube with ultrafine grain can be obtained by cyclic extrusion-compression. In this paper, through numerical simulation and experimental investigation methods, to explore the tube cyclic extrusion-compression process.

The simulation results show that the size of the mandrel boss is the key factor affecting the cyclic extrusion-compression experiment. The higher the mandrel boss is, the greater the deformation of the extruded tube is. The longer the mandrel boss is, the deformation of the extruded tube. The larger the inner and outer wall part of the deformation is uneven distribution, deformation of the inner wall is greater than the outer wall. Through the tube cyclic extrusion-compression experiments found that the minimum   mandrel  boss cyclic extrusion-compression tube forming the best    quality, up to 11 times the cyclic extrusion-compression. After repeated extrusion, the  pure copper tube is obviously refined, and the grains are refined from the 400 μm of the annealed state to the submicron level. The initial hardness of the tube is 65HV, and the hardness immediately rises to 110HV after 1 time. Subsequent cyclic extrusion-compression in the hardness value increased slowly, 11 times cyclic extrusion-compression hardness value of 135HV. Tube wall hardness distribution is more uniform, indicating that the tube deformation is uniform. After 1 time, the yield strength of the pipe increased from 54.6MPa to 286.7MPa, the tensile strength increased from 198.9MPa to 304.2MPa, and the yield strength and tensile strength of the pipe increased remarkably. When the cyclic extrusion-compression 3 times, the yield strength of the pipe rose to 348.4Mpa, tensile strength rose to 380.3MPa.

Keywords: Severe plastic deformation; Tube cyclic extrusion-compression; Pure copper; Die design

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题的背景和意义 1

1.2往复挤压概述 1

1.3管材循环变形技术原理 2

1.3.1管材往复挤压(TCEC) 2

1.3.2管材循环扩口缩口(CFS) 3

1.3.3管材循环膨胀挤压(TCEE) 3

1.3.4管材通道角挤压工艺(TCAP) 管材往复挤压的数值模拟与实验研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_204795.html
