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时间:2021-09-09 20:38来源:毕业论文



Synthesis and Characterization of

Infrared POSC Crystal Materials

Abstract: Infrared non-linear optical crystals in both military and civilian aspects have important applications.

However, the conventional mid-infrared nonlinear optical crystal materials include AgGaS2, AgGaSe2, ZnGeP2 and LiBC2 (B = Al, Ga, In; C = S, Se, Te ) Have their own advantages, but they also have their limitations. Due to their low laser damage thresholds, their use in the mid-infrared region has some limitations. Therefore, the exploration of mid-infrared nonlinear optical crystals with high laser damage threshold has become a hotspot in laser technology research.

Pb2(O1-xSx)Cl2(POSC)polycrystalline raw materials were synthesized by solid-phase secondary sintering based on the structure selection → solid phase synthesis → crystal growth → performance test. Spontaneous nucleation of the successful growth of the POSC crystal. The crystal of Pb2(O0.8S0.2)Cl2 with better crystallinity was found by X-ray diffraction analysis of the synthesized samples. Through the thermal stability test that POSC crystal thermal stability is better, the melting point of 506 ℃. The results show that the size of the synthesized POSC polycrystalline raw materials is 1 ~ 2μm, and the results show that the POSC polycrystalline raw materials are characterized by diffuse reflection and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. between.

KeyWords: POSC polycrystalline;Solid phase reaction;Crystal growth;Spontaneous nucleation  

目  录

1 引言 1

1.1 非线性光学晶体的研究历史 1

1.2 激光技术对非线性光学晶体的基本要求 2

1.3 非线性光学晶体的研究现状 3

1.4 POSC中红外非线性红外光学材料的探索 4

2 POSC多晶料的合成 5

2.1 多晶料的合成方法(固相反应法) 5

2.2 实验原理 5

2.3 实验所需化学试剂 7

2.4 实验所用仪器 8

2.5 POSC中S元素的掺杂比例 9

2.6 实验步骤 10

3 POSC晶体的生长 13

3.1 自发成核的原理 13

3.2 自发成核生长POSC晶体 14

3.3 自发成核合成的POSC晶体 中红外POSC晶体原料的合成与表征:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_81518.html
