行号 startid endid
1 1 1
2 3 4
3 5 8
若插入: 2 2 允许
若插入: 9 12允许
若插入: 2 3 禁止
若插入: 6 7 禁止
若修改第2行为: 2 3 允许
若修改第2行为: 2 5 禁止
create or replace trigger t_tab1_idcheck before insert or update
on tab1 for each row
ll_have number;
old_rowid varchar2(128);
new_startid number;
new_endid number;
if inserting then
select count(*)
into ll_have
from tab1
where startid <= :new.endid
and endif >= :new.startid;--执行成功
if (ll_have > 0) then
end if;
end if;
if updating then
new_rowid := :old.rowid;
new_startid := :new.startid;
new_endid := :new.endid;
select count(*)
into ll_have
from tab1
where startid <= new_endid
and endid >= new_startid
and rowid <> old_rowid;--执行报错
if (ll_have > 0) then
raise_application_error(-20010, 'error');
end if;
end if;
这个过程是我按照题目的例子改的,没完全改好,其中new_rowid := :old.rowid应该是old_rowid := :old.rowid;
但是执行 old_rowid := :old.rowid;
new_startid := :new.startid;
new_endid := :new.endid;
select count(*)
into ll_have
from tab1
where startid <= new_endid
and endid >= new_startid
and rowid <> old_rowid;--执行报错ora-04091
-- 得用带“自治事务”的触发器,代码如下: create table tab1(r_id number, startid number, endid number); create or replace trigger t_tab1_idcheck before insert or updateon tab1 for each row declare PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; ll_have number; begin if inserting then select count(1) into ll_have from tab1 where startid <= :new.endid and endid >= :new.startid; --执行成功 if (ll_have > 0) then raise_application_error(-20010,'error'); end if; end if; if updating then select count(*) into ll_have from tab1 where startid <= :new.endid and endid >= :new.startid and rowid <> :old.rowid; --执行报错 if (ll_have > 0) then raise_application_error(-20010, 'error'); end if; end if; end; / insert into tab1(r_id,startid,endid) values(1,1,1); insert into tab1(r_id,startid,endid) values(2,3,4); insert into tab1(r_id,startid,endid) values(3,5,8); commit; insert into tab1(r_id,startid,endid) values(4,2,2); commit; insert into tab1(r_id,startid,endid) values(5,9,12); commit; insert into tab1(r_id,startid,endid) values(6,2,3); commit; insert into tab1(r_id,startid,endid) values(7,6,7); commit;