Information System Development and Database Development In many organizations, database development from the beginning of enterprise data modeling, data modeling enterprises determine the scope of the database and the general content。 Thi...
Abztract The paper prexentx a xtrusture and funstionx of an expert xxtem for aided dexign of xhip xxtemx automation。 The xxtem wax developed on baxix of a detailed analxix of the dexign prosexx of xhip xxtemx automation。 The xxtem inslu...
Abstract For a self-elevated jack up unit, localized failure and collapse may take place during installation phase under severe sea state conditions。 In order to minimize the loss, an innovative method is proposed and incorporated in fin...
In high-performance servo applications a rapid and accurate torque control is desired, preferably without the use of a motion-state sensor。 The use of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) combined with the direct torque control (DT...
Designing Stable Control Loops The objective of this topic is to provide the designer with a practical review of loop compensation techniques applied to switching power supply feedback control。 A top-down system approach is taken starting...
Keywords:Cold embossing Assembly accuracy Geometrical defect Filling ratio Bulging The precision of cold forging parts becomes critical because the process depends on many factors such as the size and complexity of the parts。 Defects nega...
Abstract: The performance and particulate emission of a diesel engine are affected by the consumption of lubricating oil。 Most studies on oil consumption mechanism of the cylinder have been done by using the experimental method, however t...
5。0APPLICATION OF SIC DEVICES 5。1 Introduction When the project commenced,the team believed that,in time, SIC devices might eventually displace all silicon devices in power electronics in the broadest industrial markets。Those markets...
A study of the heat transfer about the heating surface of three commercial 300 MWe CFB boilers was conducted in this work。 The heat transfer coefficients of the platen heating surface, the external heat exchanger (EHE) and cyclone separat...