Ruby on rails server options The word deployment can have two meanings depending on the context. You are also confusing the roles of Apache/Nginx with the roles of other components. Historic note: This article was originally written on Nove...
The pupils of grade 7 of a primary school (According to the curriculum in the Czech Republic, sorted by topics inthe Framework Education Program for Elementary Education FEP EE (2007), part Man and Nature - Physics)worked with the models in...
All Java Web development uses the Servlet technology as the underlying technology. As such, all Java Web applications have certain issues that need to be addressed: User Interface. The user interface is what the client browser renders as HT...
In this section of the operating principle of simple introduction JSP and strengths.For the first time in a JSP documents requested by the engine, JSP Servlet is transformed into a document JSP. This engine is itself a Servlet. The operatin...
WEBSELL: Intelligent Sales Assistants for the World Wide Web 1 Introduction E-commerce offers many advantages and opportunities;however these benefits come at the cost of not having a human sales-person in the sales process. The sales-perso...
Overview of JSP Technology Benefits of JSP JSP pages are translated into servlets. So, fundamentally, any task JSP pages can perform could also be accomplished by servlets. However, this underlying equivalence does not mean that servlets an...
Online Shopping in China: Beginners Guide Most expats are comfortable with online shopping back home because they know how to spot the deals while avoiding the fakes and scammers. But in China it is not as easy with language and cultural ba...
Abstract: Servlet program running in the server-side, dynamically generated Web page with the traditional CGI and many other similar compared to CGI technology, Java Servlet with a more efficient, easier to use, more powerful and has better...
Practical Usability Methods in Website Design USABILITY THROUGHOUT THE DESIGN PROCESS The basic stages of our website design are Planning, Analysis, Mockups and Prototypes, Production, Testing, Launch, and Maintenance. Several of these stag...