The lesson that the team gained from the daylighting design of ElementHouse was to use the windows wisely. All the windows are designed at various heights and with various shapes for different activities. For instance, the horizontal window...
A progressive die performs a series of fundamental sheet metal operations at two or more stations in the die during each press stroke. These simultaneous operations produce a part from a strip of material that moves through the die. Each wor...
Abstract It is widely accepted that stamping process planning for the strip layout is a key task in progressive die design. However, stamping process planning is more of an art rather than a science. This is in spite of recent advances in th...
第6章 酒店,汽车旅馆和宿舍 负荷特性.6.1 设计理念和标准.6.1 系统.6.1 酒店和汽车旅馆.6.3 宿舍.6.8 多用途复合物.6.8酒店、汽车旅馆和宿舍也许是单间的或者多间的,短住或者常住(或住...
Abstract: A reconfigurable flexible poles die was developed. The die can be used to implement the process ofthe multi-point pressing and forming sheet. Sheet metal is restricted by the elastic pressing forces putting onthe upper and lower...
Robert Maillarts Salginatobel Bridge, built in Switzerland in 1930, epitomizes a tradition of bridge design in which an efficient flow of forces, low construction cost, and rich aesthetic significance are embodied in a single structure. This...
Nowadays, sheet metal products are some of the most frequently found parts in industry. Progressive dies have a special role in various methods of sheet metal production. The design process however, requires a considerable amount of time and...
An Overview of Servlet and JSP Technology 1.1 A Servlets Job Servlets are Java programs that run on Web or application servers, acting as a middle layer between requests coming from Web browsers or other HGTCSTRP clients and databases or app...
AbstractThe milling stability is one of the important evaluation criterions of dynamic characteristics of machine tools, and it is ofgreat importance for machine tools design and manufacturing. The milling stability of machine tools generall...
ABSTRACT:CNC stands for Computerized Numerical Control and has been around since the early 1970s. Prior to this, it was called NC, for numerical control. While people in most walks of life have never heard of this term, CNC has touched almos...