Methylation of benzene is an alternative low-cost route to produce xylenes, but selectivity to xylene remains lowover conventional zeolitic catalysts. In this work, a combined dry-gel-conversion and steam-assisted-crystallization method is u...
Drilling operations are perhaps the most popular ma-chining process being undertaken today, with their origins being traced back to cutting tool develop-ments in North America in the 19th century. In 1864 toward the latter part of the Americ...
8.1 Designs and Mechanical Propertiesof Crankshaft Assemblies8.1.1 Function and Requirements of CrankshaftAssembliesTogether with both the piston pins and the crankshaftscrank pins, the connecting rod in reciprocating pistonengines converts...
1. Introduction, definition of problem Development of technology of cooling moulds via thermoelectrical (TEM) means derives out of the industrial praxis and problems, i.e. at design, tool making and exploitation of tools.Current cooling tech...
A rapid mould-making system: material properties and design considerations Introduction The engineering reasons for building a proto-type mould are several and include evaluation of the processsability of candidate materials in the mould and...
In order to characterize the transient dynamics of steam turbines subsections, in this paper,nonlinear mathematical models are first developed based on the energy balance, thermo-dynamic principles and semi-empirical equations. Then, the re...
1 Introduction The conceptual design of fixtures is one of the most complex intellectual tasks in the process of industrial design [1]. This early stage of design can be automated with the application of expert systems.35323 An expert system...
SUMMARYThe objective of this study is to detect faults due to multiple element failures in HVAC systems occurringconcurrently. To classify and detect single as well as multiple faults, measurements were made of supply airtemperature, OA-damp...
AbstractFiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) tendons and reinforcing bars (rebars) have been developed for use with concrete. FRP productsare non-corrosive and lightweight when compared to traditional steel members. The current test program involv...
Abstract: Cr iterion of differential settlement in subgrade is useful for keeping road in a good serving condition.The theory of traditional ma terials streng th and their technologic economy are applied to analyze the additionalbend stress...