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时间:2023-02-07 23:05来源:毕业论文
(Fig。 8(e) and (f)) models indicates that application of LYP steel infill plate ensures a larger energy dissipation capacity since it allows the yielding of the material to be spread over the entir

(Fig。 8(e) and (f)) models indicates that application of LYP steel infill plate ensures a larger energy dissipation capacity since it allows the yielding of the material to be spread over the entire plate component。
Evaluation of magnitudes of the axial loads developed in columns of SPSW2-4。7-ASTM A36 and SPSW2-9。3-LYP100 models, shown in Fig。 9, confirms the similarity in overall performance of both systems。 Lastly, the hysteretic behaviors of SPSW2-4。7-ASTM A36 and SPSW2-9。3- LYP100 models with similar structural characteristics are evaluated by performing nonlinear cyclic analyses。 The cyclic loading protocol is pro- vided in Table 2, and also the hysteresis curves of both SPSW models are shown in Fig。 10。
From Fig。 10, it is clear that both SPSW models have similar hysteretic

alleviating stiffness and over-strength concerns using the alternative conventional steel plate。
Overall, it may be concluded that application of LYP steel not only fa- cilitates the design of SPSW systems, but also may enable upgrading the structural performance through seismic retrofit of existing buildings。

5。Performance of SPSWs with slender, moderate, and stocky LYP steel infill plates

The structural and hysteretic behaviors of SPSW2 and SPSW3 models with slender, SPSW4 model with moderate, and SPSW5 model with stocky infill plates are studied in this section。 Application of LYP

0   18   36   54   72   90
Out-of-plane displ。 (mm)

Fig。 11。 Buckling stability of SPSWs with various plate slenderness ratios。


These findings indicate that the 4。7 mm ASTM A36 steel infill plate can be properly replaced by a 9。3 mm LYP100 steel plate with im- proved initial stiffness, buckling and energy dissipation capacities, and serviceability。 Also, it is notable that application of the LYP steel plate with lower slenderness ratio does not increase the overall system de- mand on the boundary frame members and shows promise towards

Table 2
Loading protocol。
Cycle No。   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

0   0。01   0。02   0。03   0。04   0。05
Drift ratio

Drift ratio   0。001   0。0025   0。005   0。01   0。015   0。02   0。03   0。04    0。05

Fig。 12。 Load–drift ratio curves of SPSWs with various plate slenderness ratios。

0   0。004   0。008   0。012   0。016   0。02
Drift ratio

Lateral load versus drift ratio curves of the SPSW models are also pre- sented in Fig。 12。
Fig。 11 shows the buckling and yielding sequence in SPSW models with slender, moderate, and stocky infill plates, in which occurrence of simultaneous buckling and yielding of the infill plate in SPSW4 model is verified。 This indicates that Eq。 (1) provides reliable predictions for the limiting thickness, given the plate is under shear loading。 From the figure, it is clear that increasing of plate thickness results in a consid- erable increase in buckling strength and decrease in out-of-plane defor- mation which is, in turn, indicative of improved serviceability。 Fig。 12, also, shows that the strength and stiffness of the SPSW system under in-plane lateral load are remarkably enhanced due to the increase in infill plate thickness。 The key factor herein is the use of LYP steel which results in relatively lower plate thicknesses, more or less within practical limits, required to ensure high performance。 Stiffness perfor- mance of the SPSW models is further illustrated in Fig。 13。论文网 未加筋的低屈服点钢板剪力墙的结构性能英文文献和中文翻译(7):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_134775.html