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时间:2024-04-10 21:53来源:毕业论文
5 Conclusion The aim of this paper has been to describe an interdisciplinary, undergraduate engineering design project: a microcontroller- based temperature control system with digital set-point entry

5 Conclusion

The aim of this paper has been to describe an interdisciplinary, undergraduate engineering design project: a microcontroller- based temperature control system with digital set-point entry and set-point/actual temperature display。 A particular design of such a system has been described, and a number of design issues which arise—from a variety of engineering disciplines—have been discussed。 Resolution of these issues generally requires knowledge beyond that acquired in introductory courses, but realistically accessible to advance undergraduate students, especially with the advice and supervision of faculty。

Desirable features of the problem, from a pedagogical viewpoint, include the use of a microcontroller with simple peripherals, the opportunity to usefully apply introductorylevel modeling of physical systems and design of closed-loop controls, and the need for relatively simple experimentation (for model validation) and simulation (for detailed performance prediction)。 Also desirable are some of the technologyrelated aspects of the problem including practical use of resistive heaters and temperature sensors (requiring knowledge of PWM and calibration techniques, respectively), microcontroller selection and use of development systems, and printedcircuit design。


The author would like to acknowledge the hard work, dedication, and ability shown by the students involved in this project: Mark Langsdorf, Matt Rall, PamRinehart, and David Schuchmann。 It is their project, and credit for its success belongs to them。



1 引言





   自1996-97学年来,本文作者带领四位三一大学工程科学系的高年级学生开展此项目的研究。本文的目的说明了提出一些问题并详细阐述学生的一些解决方案,而且讨论了这种类型的跨学科设计项目在教学方面应用的问题。这份学生报告曾经在1997年全国本科毕业生研讨会上提出过并讨论过。第2节给出该设计的更多详细情况,包括性能规格。第3节具体 学生的设计。第4节是论文的主体,讨论该设计在教学应用方面的实施问题。最后,第5节全文总结。

2 问题阐述

该项目基本的思想是设计一个自定义温度控制系统来取代相关的欧米茄CN-390温度控制器。温度时通常保持在一个稳定的常数,但重要的是阶跃变化可以被“合理”的跟踪。因此主要要求如下: 单片机温度控制英文文献和中文翻译(5):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_203313.html
