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时间:2024-05-26 09:48来源:95472
2. 2 Servo motor The servo motor which drove the guide bar always reversed start and stop at high frequency in the shogging processing. Thus, the servo motor which had higher acceleration property sho

2. 2  Servo motor

The servo motor which drove the guide bar always reversed start and stop at high frequency in the shogging processing. Thus, the servo motor which had higher acceleration property should be the priority to guamntee the excellent response property of system , which is based on the enough driving power. The equaBoo loom zotadng )dnemaBcs w:s over  mfollows •

where, n(rad •  s  ') is the load  angular  acceleration,  Ip (10 "‘ kg • in' ) presents the motor self inertia, Ip ( 10 "’kg • & ) is load inertia, and T( 5 • in) is the torsion of servo motor. When Ip is a fixed value, the maximal angular acceleration ap or loading depends on the ratio between the maximal torque of motor  and  its  self  inertia.   Therefore,  the  maximal angular acceleration of motor without loading (I  =0) is odes employed as the index of dynamic response property of motor.

where, ‹i„„ ,(rad • s " ) is the maximal angular acceleration of motor without loading, Tq ( N • in) is the maximal torque of However, the loading Ip cannot be 0, we know from the rotating kinematics that the loading can get the maximal angular acceleration easily when the load inertia ratio approaches to 1. In other words, the angular acceleration n is maximal When the numerical values of  Ip and Ip are  e9ual.  Therefore,  calculate é *L n load inertia and motor self inertia can be as another index of motor property.

where , ftp is the load inertia ratio , Ip ( 10 "’kg • in' ) is the equivalent total load inertia, and Ip ( 10 "‘ kg   motor self inertia.

For  the  shogging   mechanism   of  the  high-speed   warp

remitting machine, the motor shaft is connected by high precision saii screw. The transition from rotational motion to Linear motion is forced by the screw pushing and pulling guide bar. The screw and guide bar can be placed hon:iontally; therefore, the guide bar shogging mechanism of the warp-Omitting machine can be simplified as a standard screw turntable drag model, and the guide bar is equivalent into screw slider. The components of equivalent total load inertia for simplified slogging drag model are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig.2 The towage modct of wacp luttUng guide bac In this model, the general load inertia ( If ) of motor axle head is the total of rotational inertia (Ip ) of coupling, rotational inertia ( *s ) of lead screw, and the equivalent rotational inertia

(Jg_,q ) of motor axle head, where guide bar is regarded as the slider then equals the rotational inertia ( *Tax ) by ball screw.




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