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时间:2024-08-19 21:25来源:96667
5. 1. Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research Because of resource limitations the list of determinants of port competitiveness investigated here is not exhaustive, and other variables such as

5. 1. Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research

Because of resource limitations the list of determinants of port competitiveness investigated here is not exhaustive, and other variables such as corporate strategy invite further work. In an operational context, strategies for operations and development may influence future port competitiveness. Given the emphasis in strategic operations and operations management on developing a firm’s competence in understanding customer needs and how to satisfy them (Ling, 2000), research might investigate additional factors to accommodate customers’ expectations and strategic issues including opportunities for sustainable growth. Further studies are required to empirically verify the unique competition structure in NEA, to test the structure of the model of competitiveness presented here, and to test findings using surveys of port competition in other regions. Further interesting work might consider the performance of port operations, and impacts of the determinants of port competitiveness which underpin operational management.



1 介绍

东北亚区域港口竞争激烈(NEA)集中在港口竞争力的概念(杨等人,2008)和竞争力的决定因素(Yeo et al.,2011;Tongzon,2009;杨et al.,2008;杨、宋,2006)。这种兴趣的产生是因为航运的看法的竞争力和吸引力的商业港口业务确定港口的可持续性(Yeo et al.,2011;川和Deakin,2010))。

指导港口作业对港口竞争力的研究通常集中在识别影响港口竞争力的关键因素(杨等人,2011,2008;Tongzon;2009;去根,2007;Murphy et al.,1992,1989),战略发展,如供应链管理、联运服务、发展与腹地(van den Berg和去根,2011;wiegmans et al.,2008;de烂根,2007;haezendonck和诺特布姆,2002)和区域集装箱港口竞争(杨等人。2011;王和程,2010;邑et al.,2006;Hsu和Hsieh 2005)。


2 文献综述

2.1 寻求东北亚区域门户地位的枢纽港竞争

在东北亚的主要集装箱港口经历了集装箱航运随着愈演愈烈的港口竞争前所未有的繁荣(Yeo et al.,2008;王和程,2010;邑et al.,2006)。作为一个大型集装箱船舶的部署区域网关端口状态的结果,包括当地的经济与周边地区经济合作的重要组成部分(今井et al.,2013;gelareh et al.,2010;低等人,2009),它集成了全面的生产和分配系统(杨等人,2011厅,2007)。在美国的主要港口,因此,要实现区域的门户地位,从一个海岸接口综合口岸促进全球或大区域贸易和当地经济的发展,扩大自己的势力范围(王和程,2010;低等人,2009)。 多极化港口系统的竞争力外文文献和中文翻译(10):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_204558.html
