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时间:2019-01-30 19:53来源:毕业论文
ASP.NET is the successor of ASP. With the introduction of the .NET framework, the functionality of ASP has been dramatically changed to take full advantage of .NET. ASP,just like other server-side scripting languages such as PHP, is interpre

ASP.NET is the successor of ASP. With the introduction of the .NET framework, the functionality of ASP has been dramatically changed to take full advantage of .NET. ASP,just like other server-side scripting languages such as PHP, is interpreted. This results in pages being interpreted whenever a client requests a page. This is a major drawback in terms of speed and server overhead. Another drawback is the lack of separation between logic and design: the logic is embedded within the HTML code. Not only does maintenance become cumbersome, but also the whole development process since the design and logic are tightly integrated. Although PHP and JSP support object-oriented programming, they still suffer from some of these drawbacks.
ASP.NET was designed with the intension of avoiding these drawbacks and offering a language that is faster, easier to develop, easier to maintain, and reusable.33213
ASP.NET is a Web development technology with support for more than 25 languages,thanks to the common language runtime (CLR) architecture. The big set of classes in the.NET framework offers an enormous advantage to ASP.NET developers. It alsomakes it easier for application developers to write code for web applications in an environment with which they are familiar and in a language that they master. Currently,C# and VB are the dominant languages of choice.
Pages in ASP.NET are called Web Forms. Web Forms have an .aspx extension and represent the interface to the user, while the logic resides in a code-behind file. Alternatively, one can provide the logic in the same file by including it between script tags, similar to that used for JavaScript. In the latter case, the user does not need to compile the application; the page will be compiled upon request.
Web Forms can include user-customized components called User Controls. These components provide an easy way for reusability. As User Controls cannot be requestedindependently, they need to be a part of a web form. The User Control can be included in a page by declaring a @Register directive that declares a tag prefix attribute by which the control will be referenced a tag name attribute to associate a name with the control and a source attribute that specifies the virtual path to the User Control. User Controls can also be added dynamically.
Web Forms and User Controls may include Server Controls, which are built-in controls that are available for ASP.NET development. Among these are TextBox, Label,
CheckboxList, Button, and LinkButton controls etc. When the application receives the first request, files are compiled with the result saved in the cache, which will decrease response time for further requests. Classic ASP pages see a 3 to 5 fold increase in performance when migrated to ASP. ASP.NET also offers developers the choice of whether to cache pages or controls and for how long. This feature has a great advantage especially with pages that consist of controls; if a menu on a page does not change often, the menu control can be cached to speed up loading time for Example.
2006 A comparison of web development technologies:Web Objects vs. ASP.NET
ASP.NET是一个能够支持超过25种语言的Web开发技术。ASP.NET的开发在类的大集合 .NET的框架下被提供了一个非常大的优点。这也使得它的应用程序编写代码更容易被开发人员所熟悉所掌握。目前,C#和VB是主导被选择的语言。 ASP.NET英文文献及翻译:http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_30165.html