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时间:2019-03-30 21:50来源:毕业论文
Localised UF systems draw or force air from a raised floor plenum. The air is delivered to the space through grilles mounted in the floor, and is typically exhausted from the ceiling (ASHRAE, 2001; Ba

Localised UF systems draw or force air from a raised floor plenum. The air is delivered to the space through grilles mounted in the floor, and is typically exhausted from the ceiling (ASHRAE, 2001; Bauman & Webster, 2001; Bauman et al., 1993; Hedge et al., 1993). The floor-mounted grilles are positioned so that each occupant receives their own flow of air. Localised TAC systems, by comparison, route air from a ceiling or floor supply, and deliver it directly to the occupant through grilles mounted on the back of the desk, freestanding nozzles on the desk, or through outlets built into workstation partitions at desk or head height (Bauman et al., 1993; Faulkner, Fisk, Sullivan, & Wyon, 1999b). Again, return air is typically exhausted at ceiling level. Office Air Distribution Systems and Environmental Satisfaction
Whichever system is used, an important feature of localised air distribution systems is the degree of control provided to the occupant (Bauman & Webster, 2001; Faulkner et al., 1999b; Spengler & Chen, 2000). Most localised systems allow the occupant to adjust air speed and direction, and some also provide control over the supply air temperature and the percentage of recirculated air. Further temperature control is sometimes provided by an adjustable radiant heating panel. Fully integrated systems also incorporate other aspects of personal environmental control, such as task lighting and sound masking devices1 (Bauman et al., 1993; Faulkner et al., 1999b).
1.2 Selection Criteria
We selected studies for this review primarily from the COPEINFO database. This database was created as part of the COPE project and currently contains over 900 records. The database is the result of detailed searches performed on a number of engineering, science, medical, psychological and human factors electronic literature databases, such as EI Compendex, INSPEC, Current Contents, Ergonomic Abstracts, PsychInfo and Medline. In order to maintain relevance, such searches were limited to the years 1985 to 2002, with a greater focus being placed on more recent studies. The resulting database includes journal articles from sources such as Indoor Air, ASHRAE Transactions, Energy and Buildings, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environment International. The database also includes records from conferences such as Indoor Air, IAQ, CLIMA 2000, ROOMVENT, and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, in addition to a number of books, book chapters and reports. The COPEINFO database is regularly updated with newly published material, and so provides detailed information on recent research from which to select articles relevant to the current iterature review.
For this review, we selected studies conducted in office settings and published from 1990 onwards. We included field, laboratory and numerical simulation studies. Studies were included if they examined one or more of the three air distribution systems described above. Initially, we aimed to include only those studies that also measured occupant environmental satisfaction. However, we discovered that studies of this kind were sparse, and only eleven such studies were found. Therefore we also included studies without human participants and separated the review into two sections. The first section included those studies without measures of environmental satisfaction. These studies allowed us to examine the physical conditions resulting from the three air distribution systems, and to infer how these physical conditions might affect environmental satisfaction. The second section included the eleven studies that did measure environmental satisfaction, and provided direct evidence on the effects of air distribution on this occupant outcome.
2.0 Air Distribution Systems and Physical Conditions
In this section we investigate the physical IAQ and thermal conditions produced by the three air distribution systems described above. This overview is not intended to provide an exhaustive review of this literature, but rather to highlight the pertinent findings that could influence occupant environmental satisfaction 办公室空调分配系统英文文献和中文翻译(3):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_31421.html