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时间:2019-07-20 11:32来源:毕业论文
Processing conditions Conventional injection molding The polymer is injected at an average velocity of 120 mm s1 at 320◦C. After filling, t f= 0.67 s, a short packing phase, t p= 0.71 s, follows unt

Processing conditions
Conventional injection molding The polymer is injected at an average velocity of 120 mm s−1 at 320◦C. After filling, t f= 0.67 s, a short packing phase, t p= 0.71 s, follows until an injection pressure of 50 MPa is reached. This pressure is then maintained during a holding phase of 4 s. After this time, the gate is assumed to freeze off instantaneously. The temperature at the mold walls is set to 80◦C. In Table 2, the processing conditions are summarized.

Gas-assisted injection molding
The conditions used for GAIM, in terms of injection temperature and speed, are equal to those used in the conventional case apart from the injection time that is set to 0.44 s. The gas is injected over a limited height of the inlet (1 mm) and its injection speed is set to a value slightly higher than that of the polymer. The gas is injected immediately after the polymer injection; thus, there is no delay time between the polymer and the gas injections. The remaining processing conditions are listed in Table 2.
气体辅助注射成型残余应力摘要: 残余应力在注塑部件的机械和光学性能里是的一个主要问题。在这项研究中,我们分析了残余应力在无定形聚合物气体辅助注射成型(GAIM)情况下的发展。假设一个广义的牛顿材料的行为,流动残余应力有一个解决方法,其中弹性效应忽视的动量平衡计算。在交错过程中,所计算的粘性流运动学被用来计算正应力采用多晶硅模型的一个可压缩的版本。对于GAIM A 3-D有限元模型的情况下,这是能够捕捉到流动前沿的运动,其能力预测残留物质层的厚度由海牙和范•德(诠释J NUMER流体的方法已经过验证28:1355年至1369年,1998年)。为了建立一个明确的比较,残余应力的发展利用标准注塑和GAIM要测试的几何形状进行分析。论文网
关键词: 气体辅助注射成型  粘弹性 可压缩多边形模型  流引起的残余应力 热和压力引起的残余应力  非晶态聚合物  数值分析
其中,ρ表示密度和u的速度,σ柯西应力张量,g为每单位质量的体积力,以及E是内部能量的变化率。术语在能量方程的右侧。 3,代表进行变形的材料,以D变形张量的速率,通过传导传递的热,与Q的热通量,通过辐射,R传递的热量,和内部发热与RC反应速率的工作,并hr的反应热。为了解决这些方程,适当的本构方程已经被用于柯西应力张量,热通量,和国家的密度和内能,即,E = E(P,T)的方程,其中p和T分别表示指定压力和温度,分别在即将部分引入。此外,初始和边界条件必须规定。现在,我们陈述的基本假设,以简化上述公式和结构关系的选择。 注射成型模具残余应力英文文献和中文翻译(3):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_35902.html