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时间:2019-09-08 17:55来源:毕业论文
Today, JavaScript is widely used to create dynamic Web pages, using several technologies that are collectively called Ajax. Programs written in JavaScript communicate with the Web server asynchronousl

Today, JavaScript is widely used to create dynamic Web pages, using several technologies that are collectively called Ajax. Programs written in JavaScript communicate with the Web server asynchronously (that is, in the background, without blocking user interaction with the Web browser), and can fetch data and display it.
If Web applications are built without using tools or libraries for constructing the user interface, the programming effort required to construct the user interface can be significantly more than that required for business logic and database access. Several approaches have been developed to reduce the effort required to build applications:
• Provide a library of functions to generate user-interface elements with minimal programming.
• Provide drag-and-drop features in an integrated development environment that allows user-interface elements to be dragged from a menu into a design view of a page. The integrated development environment generates code that creates the user-interface element by invoking library functions.
• Automatically generate code for the user interface from a declarative specification.
All these approaches have been used for creating user interfaces, well before the Web was created, as part of Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools, and are now used extensively for creating Web applications as well.
Examples of tools designed for rapid development of interfaces for database applications include Oracle Forms, Sybase PowerBuilder, and Oracle Application Express (APEX). In addition, tools designed for Web application development, such as Visual Studio and Netbeans Visual Web, support several features designed for rapid development of Web interfaces for database backed applications.
正在被使用的应用程序即使是不明显的有可能也被使用。例如,一个新闻网站可以提供一个对于个人用户而言是透明定制的网页,即使用户在和页面交互时没有明确填写任何登记。要做到这一点,它实际上是运行了一个对于每个用户都可以生成一个定制页面的应用程序。例如,用户化可以基于用户浏览的文章的历史来实现。 java应用程序的设计英文文献和中文翻译(2):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_38936.html