ConclusionsA series of numerical and model tests has been carried out toevaluate the bearing capacity of a strip footing resting ongeoreinforced sand slopes. The study primarily aimed at deter-mining the effect of geogrid reinforcements and its location on theultimate bearing capacity and settlement characteristics of suchfootings. Based on this study, the following conclusions are made:(1) The results of model tests and numerical analyses have shownthat the provision of a reinforcement layer at an appropriatelocation in the body of fill slopes has resulted in a significantincrease in the bearing capacity of footings.(2) The optimum embedment depth and vertical spacing of thereinforcement layer which resulted in the maximum ultimatebearing capacity of the geogrid-reinforced slopewas about 0.75times the width of the footing. The optimum number of rein-forcements is 2.(3) The results clearly show that the effect of the ordinary geogridin improving the soil bearing capacity was less than that of thegrid-anchor. This is because of the presence of anchors in grid-anchor reinforcement which provides higher pullout strength.On the other hand, the intrinsic merit of grid-anchor comesabout by their anchorage strength or pullout resistance, whichcan far exceed the direct shear strength.(4) A medium agreement between the experimental and numer-ical results on general trend of behavior and the critical valuesof the geogrid parameters is observed. In all cases, the BCRcalculated from the FEA for prototype scale appears to besmaller than that obtained from the model slope results. Thedifferences between experimental and numerical resultsmaybe because of the soil parameters and the model (Mohr–Coulomb), used in the numerical analysis. So it is advisable touse a more appropriate model (e.g. a hardening model) in thiscase.(5) Finally compared to pervious studies this research shows thebenefit of using grid-anchors to improve both strength andsettlement characteristics of soil body compared with ordinarygeogrids.ReferencesAkinmusuru, J.O., Akinbolade, J.A., 1981. Stability of loaded footings on reinforcedsoil. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. ASCE 107, 819–827.Basset, R.H., Last, N.C. 1978. Reinforcing earth below footings and embankments. In:Proceedings of a Symposium on Earth Reinforcement, American Society of CivilEngineers, Pittsburgh, pp. 202-231.Basudhar, P.K., Saha, S., Deb, K., 2007. Circular footings resting on geotextile-rein-forced sand bed. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 25 (6), 377–384.Bera, A.K., Ghosh, A., Ghosh, A., 2005. Regression model for bearing capacity ofa square footing on reinforced pond ash. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (2),261–286.Binquet, J., Lee, K.L., 1975a. Bearing capacity tests on reinforced earth slabs. Journalof the Geotechnical Engineering Division. ASCE 101 (GT12), 1241–1255.Binquet, J., Lee, K.L., 1975b. Bearing capacity analysis of reinforced earth slabs.Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division. ASCE 101 (GT12), 1257–1276.Borthakur, B.C., Nambiar, M.K.C., Biswas, A., Kalitha, U.C. 1988. Studies on thebearing capacity of strip footing on slopes. In: Proceedings of the IndianGeotechnical Conference, Bombay, Vol. 1, pp. 385–389.Boushehrian, J.H., Hataf, N., 2003. 241 Experimental and numerical investigation ofthe bearing capacity of model circular and ring footings on reinforced sand.Geotextiles and Geomembranes 21 (4), 241–256.Bringkgreve, R.B.J., Vermeer, P.A., 1998. PLAXIS – finite element code for soil androck analyses. Version 7. Plaxis B.V., The Netherlands.Das, B.M., Khing, K.H., Shin, E.C., Puri, V.K., Yen, S.C., 1994. Comparison of bearingcapacity of strip foundation on geogrid-reinforced sand and clay. In: Proceed-ings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances inGeomechanics, Morgantown, WA, USA, pp. 1331–1336.Dash, S., Sireesh, S., Sitharam, T., 2003. Model studies on circular footing supportedon geocell reinforced sand underlain by soft clay. Geotextiles and Geo-membranes 21 (4), 197–219.El Sawwaf, M., 2005. Strip footing behavior on pile and sheet pilestabilized sandslope. Journal of Geotechnology and Geoenvironmental Engineering 131 (6),705–715.El Sawwaf, M., 2007. Behavior of strip footing on geogrid-reinforced sand over a softclay slope. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 25 (1), 50–60.Fragaszy, R.J., Lawton, E., 1984. Bearing capacity of reinforced sand subgrades.Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. ASCE 110 (GT10), 1500–1511.Ghazavi, M., Lavasan, A.A., 2008. Interference effect of shallow foundations con-structed on sand reinforced with geosynthetics. Geotextiles and Geo-membranes 26 (5), 404–415.Ghosh 承载力的立足点在斜坡带砂与土工格栅英文文献和中文翻译(6):