the present study. Using the proposed failure locus the fatigue limit condition for rh < 0 simply becomes:
eq ¼ 2 max ðsDV ðtÞÞ 6 rw ð10Þ
As already pointed out a prospective non-propagating crack, as well as a defect, is described both by its length and orientation. The previously described Dang Van model is able to predict the length but does not present any information about the orientation. For this reason, a critical plane based version of the Dang Van criterion
Fig. 4. Finite element model: (a) F1 axle tested on Vitry test rig, (b) F4 axle tested on Vitry test rig, (c) F4 axle tested on Minden test rig.
Fig. 5. (a) Load step in finite element analysis, (b) local reference system.
38 S. Foletti et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 86 (2016) 34–43
was used in the study. When compared to the basic Dang Van rela- tion a negligible difference in terms of equivalent stress is expected.
Considering a material plane defined by its unit normal vector n
the Dang Van shear stress can be defined as expressed in Eq. (11):
sDV ð/; h; tÞ ¼ jjsð/; h; tÞ — smð/; hÞjj ð11Þ
where /; h are the spherical angles used to express the unit normal vector n in a Oxyz frame. sð/; h; tÞ is the shear stress vector acting on the material plane under consideration, sm ð/; hÞ is the mean shear stress vector and the bracket symbol (k k) represents the length
(measure) of the enclosed vector.
Computing the mean shear stress sm ð/; hÞ on every plane pass- ing through a point of the body, the determination of the critical plane according to Dang Van criterion requires the solution of the double maximization problem presented in Eq. (12).
Stress [MPa] Stress [MPa]
Fig. 6. Stress gradient along the contact.
S. Foletti et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 86 (2016) 34–43 39
plane is defined as the plane which experiences the maximum nor- mal stress amplitude. The critical plane orientation may differ from
the fatigue fracture plane for different materials [15]. In the gen-
eral case the angle a, between the fracture and the critical plane,
: g ¼ 3 þ 1
can be obtained as a function of the ratio s ¼ sw=rw between the torsional and the uniaxial fully reversed fatigue limit:
4 4 ffi3ffi—1
types of test rigs was carried out (Fig. 1b and c). The so called Min- den type test rig is a cantilever resonant machine where the axle is
where ra;c ; sa;c and rH
are the normal stress amplitude, shear
constrained with a rigid wheel adaptor on one side and an electric
stress amplitude and hydrostatic stress amplitude acting on the critical plane respectively. rm;c is the mean normal stress acting on the critical plane. b; g, and k are material parameters depending on the ratio s. For ductile materials:
Allowable defect size [m] - Dang Van Criterion - F1 Axle
motor with rotating unbalanced masses fixed on the opposite side (Fig. 1b). The so called Vitry type test rig is a three point rotating bending device where the axle, rotated by a motor, is simply sup- ported by two journal axle bearing boxes and loaded in the middle by an actuator (Fig. 1c). 低频振动的铁路车轴的状态监测英文文献和中文翻译(5):