Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 687-691 2523
Fig. 5 Add Reusable Component
Summary 1.Knowledge reuse is an important component of product design, and it has effective rapid design ability. 2.Parametric feature modeling technology is the foundation of component modeling. Part family is good way to organize and create template file of standard parts library effectively. 3.The KRX file integrates various geometry information and non-geometry information in standard parts library. 4.Reuse Library navigator effectively manage the standard parts and reuse parts.
It is highly appreciated that Siemens PLM software provided the NX software. This work is supported by a grant from the Teaching Quality Project (No. 10110208) and the ‘Three Levels’ backbone teacher training program of Zhuhai College of Jilin University.
[1] R.J. HONG: NX7 CAD QuickStarts Guidance (Tsinghua University Press, Beijing 2011).
[2] ZHANG Dongmin and WU Yanyun: Machine Design and Research Vol. 24 (2008), p. 60
[3] LU Yujun: Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems Vol. 9 (2003), p. 840
[4] LIU Yabo: Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing Vol. 5 (2004), p. 97
[5] Siemens PLM Software, Computer Assisted Self Teach for NX8.5, 2013.
[6] Siemens PLM Software, NX8.5 Help Library, 2013.
Manufacturing Technology, Electronics, Computer and Information Technology Applications
Manufacturing Technology, Electronics, Computer and Information Technology Applications 10.4028/
NX Reuse Library Workflow Based on Knowledge 10.4028/
盐城工业大学1UGS学院江苏盐城224051 2南通大学机械工程学院,南通江苏226019 wangbin @,b823278170 @ qq。com,czjnbobo @ qq。com,dsyh340 @ 163。com
关键词:模具设计;知识重用; NX
模具被称为工业产品之母。工业产品依赖于大规模生产和快速膨胀的模具。因此,模具设计技术已经成为衡量一个国家产品制造水平的重要标志之一[1]。随着模具技术的发展,我们在模具设计过程中需要大量的标准件。而且品种多样,数量众多的标准件导致了大量重复的工作,降低了设计效率[2-3]。据统计,如果新产品在一个月前上市,将会获得30% 的市场份额。因此,如何实现高品质,低成本和短周期新产品的开发是赢得产品竞争的关键[4]。使用知识回收技术可有效解决当前的问题[5]。随着3D建模平台的发展,基于3D软件的各种标准零件库随着时代的发展而出现,为实现知识重用技术提供了平台。标准件库可减少大量重复工作,节省设计时间,提高设计效率,对模具行业发展具有现实意义。
现代产品设计是基于知识,以知识为中心。设计可以看作知识的实现;产品本质上是知识的载体。现代社会产品竞争的本质就是知识资产的竞争。然而,由于缺乏有效的积累和知识再利用的技术手段和手段,许多企业面临失去知识资产的危险。因此提出了知识再利用的概念。 NX重用库工作流程英文文献和中文翻译(5):