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时间:2021-08-10 21:53来源:毕业论文
Three, mechanical hand classification and characteristics Robots are generally pided into three categories: the first is the general machinery does not require manual hand. It is an independent not af

Three, mechanical hand classification and characteristics   

Robots are generally pided into three categories: the first is the general machinery does not require manual hand. It is an independent not affiliated with a particular host device. It can be programmed according to the needs of the task to complete the operation of the provisions. It is characterized with ordinary mechanical performance, also has general machinery, memory, intelligence ternary machinery. The second category is the need to manually do it, called the operation of aircraft. It originated in the atom, military industry, first through the operation of machines to complete a particular job, and later developed to operate using radio signals to carry out detecting machines such as the Moon. Used in industrial manipulator also fall into this category. The third category is dedicated manipulator, the main subsidiary of the automatic machines or automatic lines, to solve the machine up and down the workpiece material and delivery. This mechanical hand in foreign countries known as the "Mechanical Hand", which is the host of services, from the host-driven; exception of a few outside the working procedures are generally fixed, and therefore special. 

Main features:  

First, mechanical hand (the upper and lower material robot, assembly robot, handling robot, stacking robot, help robot, vacuum handling machines, vacuum suction crane, labor-saving spreader, pneumatic balancer, etc.). 

Second, cantilever cranes (cantilever crane, electric chain hoist crane, air balance the hanging, etc.)  

Third, rail-type transport system (hanging rail, light rail, single girder cranes, double-beam crane)



机械手是近几十年发展起来的一种高科技自动化生产设备。工业机械手是工业机器人的一个重要分支。它的特点是可通过编程来完成各种预期的作业任务,在构造和性能上兼有人和机器各自的优点,尤其体现了人的智能和适应性。机械手作业的准确性和各种环境中完成作业的能力,在国民经济各领域有着广阔的发展前景。随着工业自动化的发展, 出现了数控加工中心,它在减轻工人的劳动强度的同时, 大大提高了劳动生产率。但数控加工中常见的上下料工序, 通常仍采用人工操作或传统继电器控制的半自动化装置。前者费时费工、效率低; 后者因设计复杂, 需较多继电器,接线繁杂, 易受车体振动干扰,而存在可靠性差、故障多、维修困难等问题。可编程序控制器PLC控制的上下料机械手控制系统动作简便、线路设计合理、具有较强的抗干扰能力, 保证了系统运行的可靠性,降低了维修率, 提高了工作效率。机械手技术涉及到力学、机械学、电气液压技术、自动控制技术、传感器技术和计算机技术等科学领域,是一门跨学科综合技术。 一、 工业机械手的概述  机械手是一种能自动化定位控制并可重新编程序以变动的多功能机器,它有多个自由度,可用来搬运物体以完成在各个不同环境中工作。在工资水平较低的中国,塑料制品行业尽管仍属于劳动力密集型,机械手的使用已经越来越普及。那些电子和汽车业的欧美跨国公司很早就在它们设在中国的工厂中引进了自动化生产。但现在的变化是那些分布在工业密集的华南、华东沿海地区的中国本土塑料加工厂也开始对机械手表现出越来越浓厚的兴趣,因为他们要面对工人流失率高,以及为工人交工伤费带来的挑战。  随着我国工业生产的飞跃发展,特别是改革开发以后,自动化程度的迅速提高,实现工件的装卸、转向、输送或操作钎焊、喷枪、扳手等工具进行加工、装配等作业自化,已愈来愈引起我们重视。  机械手是模仿着人手的部分动作,按给定的程序、轨迹和要求实现自动抓取、  搬运或操作的自动机械装置。  在现实生活中,你是否会发现这样一个问题。在机械工厂里,加工零件装料的时候是不是很烦的,劳动生产率不高,生产成本大,有时候还会发生一些人为事故,导致加工者受伤。想想看用什么可以来代替呢,加工的时候只要有几个人巡视一下,且可以二十四个小时饱和运作,人行吗?回答是肯定的,但是机械手可以来代替它。  生产中应用机械手可以提高生产的自动化水平和劳动生产率;可以减轻劳动强度、保证产品质量、实现安全生产;尤其是在高温、高压、低温、低压、粉尘、易爆、有毒气体和放射性等恶劣的环境中能够代替人进行正常的工作。想到这里我就很想设计一个机械手,来用于生产实际中。  为什么选着设计机械手用气动来提供动力:气动机械手是指以压缩空气为动力源驱动的机械手。 胎压监测系统英文文献和中文翻译(5):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_80007.html
