Soil shear strength (su) at mudline Rate of increase of su with depth Soil rigidity index (G/su)
Spudcan diameter
50 kPa
2 kPa/m
20 m
Footing penetration under preload 5。2 m
Loaded along axis of symmetry, single leg to windward
Mean water depth 90 m
Wave height and period Variable — see main text for details
Current velocity 1 m/s
Wind velocity 42 m/s
Total wind load 3。23 MN
Timestep for dynamic analysis
0。002 s ( = 0。1 × lowest period of linear system)
as the sum of five harmonics, each comprising a sinus- oidal term for the velocity at the mean water level together with a hyperbolic term describing how the velo- city decays with depth。 The extended Morison equation is then used to convert the kinematics to hydrodynamic forces。 This is one of the standard deterministic approaches used for analysing wave loading on a frame with slender members。 It is suitable for modelling a sub- stantial range of wave heights in intermediate or deep waters, but breaks down in shallow water [7]。 The dis- tributed hydrodynamic forces are integrated over each finite element within the leg using 7-point Gaussian inte- gration to obtain an equivalent set of nodal loads。
Work is in progress on extending the analysis to incor- porate random sea states using the New Wave approach [8]。
2。5。Dynamic analysis
The non-linear equations of motion are solved by step- wise integration in the time domain, using the Newmark
þ = 1/4 method, in which accelerations are assumed to be constant over a timestep。 This is an implicit, uncon- ditionally stable, method that gives accurate results pro- vided a sufficiently short timestep is used。
3。Example structure
The program described above has been used to per- form a series of structural analyses of a simplified jack- up rig。 Fig。 2 shows the model used and Table 1 sum- marises the main analysis parameters。 The number of elements in the model has deliberately been kept small, since the analyses are not intended to provide detailed design data, but to highlight some important trends in jack-up behaviour。 Sensitivity studies showed that greater discretisation would result in some quantitative changes but would not alter the qualitative meaning of the results。
The dimensions of the model were chosen after con- sideration of ‘typical’ rigs analysed by NDA [9], Jensen
Fig。 2。 Plane finite element model of a representative jack-up。
et al。 [10], SNAME [11], Martin [4] and Nielsen et al。 [12]。 The leg spacing in side elevation of 51。96 m rep- resents three legs positioned at the corners of an equi- lateral triangle of side 60 m in plan。 Each K-lattice leg is represented by a beam-column passing through the leg centroid, with equivalent stiffness and hydrodynamic properties。 In this plane model the hull is also rep- resented by a beam element, and the leg/hull connection is assumed rigid。 Non-linearities in the jack housings are not at present modelled, though it is recognised that these can be significant。