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时间:2023-10-04 09:23来源:毕业论文

摘    要

目的 分析医师依法执业中存在的问题及执业监管中存在的缺陷,提出针对性建议。方法 问卷调查与案例分析相结合。分别调查浙江大学医学院附属第二医院和邵逸夫医院100名门诊患者,对调查结果作描述性分析,并讨论结果所反映的问题。剖析“走廊医生”事件原委,对事件中医师的执业行为进行法律分析。综合上述研究成果,分析医师执业立法、执法和监管中存在的问题,并提出针对性建议。结果 问卷调查中,53。8%的调查对象在过去一年里曾遇到医师违法违规执业情况,其中遇到“医生服务态度差”、“医生滥开检查单”的情况最多;在违法违规现象的分布上,医院级别越高,出现越多,且公立医院出现频率明显高于民营医疗机构;在患者对医师执业的监督中,患者法律意识薄弱、法律知识储备不足、法律法规、缺乏监督责任感。案例分析中,医师的违法违规表现主要有不尊重患者知情同意权、过度医疗、收受医疗回扣等。医师依法执业存在的问题主要有法律体系不健全、法律内容滞后、法律规定缺乏对应的法律责任,监管角色不公正独立、监管执法力量薄弱、监管信息不透明等。结论 应从完善立法,转变监管理念、加大监管执法力度,建立信息公开制度,加强医院内部管理,加强法制宣传、鼓励公众监督,加强媒体舆论引导等方面来规范医师执业行为,促进依法执业。85342

毕业论文关键词:医师执业; 监管; 执法; 问题; 对策


Objectives The research analyzes problems in current practice of physician and weaknesses in medical behaviors supervision and proposes corresponding suggestions。 Methods Questionnaire survey and case-analyzing approach are used in this paper。 The research investigates 200 outpatients come from The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine and Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital。 After investigation, describing and analyzing the results, then discussing problems reflected in them。 By studying “The corridor doctor” event, analyzing the practice of physician from the angle of law。 Stated thus, dissecting weaknesses in current medical behaviors legislation, execution of laws and supervision, and giving some targeted advices。 Results 53。8% of the objects have encountered the case of doctors' behavior violated the rules in the past year。 In medical activities, “doctors’ poor courtesy” and “Overtreatment” are most frequently to see。 As for the frequency distribution, the higher hospital’s level is, the more violations are; public hospitals’ violations more than private hospitals’。 In patients’ supervision, regulators are indifferent to the laws and lack of legal knowledge。 They also lack the motivation to study medical laws and regulations and their sense of duty about supervision are weak。 Resulting from case-analyzing, physician do not respect patient right of informed consent, and provide excessive medical treatment。 They also accept rebate。 These are main violations in the case。 In addition, the regulatory and legal system in medical is not well established,legal content is lagging behind, legal liabilities are deficient, the role of regulatory is dependent, regulatory power is weak, information is opaque, and so on。 Conclusions In order to standardize physician behavior, health administrations should perfect the construction of health legal system as soon as possible, set up right administer principle, increase medical supervision and law enforcement affairs, establish a system of information disclosure。 Medical institutions at all levels should strengthen internal management。 Publicity department should attach importance to promote publicity in the law。 The media must report truly and guide public opinion correctly。 医师依法执业存在问题的研究典型案例的分析:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_196856.html
