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时间:2022-06-18 15:09来源:毕业论文

摘  要:在我国国际私法中,强制性规定制度已经成为一项独立、成熟的制度。《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法》第一次对强制性规定做了解释和规定,成为国际私法立法进程中的一大亮点。本文从国际私法立法角度出发,阐述强制性规定制度的起源、含义、内容等;并阐述强制性规定制度在我国从无到有,从零散到统一的立法过程,对该制度在我国的适用现状进行讨论;还从影响强制性规定制度发展的相关问题入手,分析出强制性规定制度在我国现有立法层面以及实践上的问题并提出相应的完善对策。81658


The Location of Our Government Role in the Governance Environment

Abstract: The legal institution of mandatory rules, which is established as an enforcement of act by the Law on the Application of Laws to Foreign-Related Civil Relationships of the People's Republic of China (LALFCR 2010) with clear interpretations and definite rules, is an independent system and moreover, no doubt, a highlight of the domestic legislative process on china’s private international law。 It occupies a prominence position related to promoting a systematic comprehensiveness of domestic legislation on private international law so as to preserve national fundamental interests。 This article, first revisited mandatory rules as a legal institution from a perspective of legislation on private international law and critically assessed it5s emergence, doctrine and substance。 It is followed by a historical survey concerned with the legislation and realization of the institution of mandatory rules in China, where a particular attention was paid to outline a pathway of growing out of nothing and progressing along from miscellaneous provisions up to now being ruled over by a set of single enforcement rules of act。 Nevertheless, the legal institution of mandatory rules, has to face with a number of systematic challenges proposed by a handful of correlative principles in a dynamic point of view。 Accordingly, this piece of study looked very hard into the institutional details of the public order as well as the evation of law in aid of avoiding the false dichotomy。 This paper concluds at putting forward proposal of implementations to legislative defects, which is based on the findings of current study and implication of legal development for other juris。

Key Words: Private International Law;Mandatory Rules;Application-of-Law

目  录


















强制性规定制度在国际私法中的定义是:“在涉外民商事关系中,一国出于对本国特殊公共利益的考虑,不但具有排他效力,并且强制用来直接适用的规范。”各国已经逐渐通过立法确立这一制度。2010年出台的《法律适用法》中第4条对强制性规定进行了明确的规定。说明我国正式确定了这一制度。紧接着《关于适用〈涉外民事关系法律适用法〉若干问题的解释(一)》在原有基础上对强制性规定进行了进一步补充,并且用不完全列举的方式概括了它的适用范围。因此,通过对强制性规定制度进行研究,并且梳理它在我国立法中从无到有,从粗略到具体的过程,将我国国际私法中强制性规定的立法现状与法院司法实践结合,找出经常出现的问题,对我国调整涉外民商事关系,维护我国在对外交往过程中自身的重大利益有着不可取代的意义。 我国国际私法中强制性规定制度的完善:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_95523.html
