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时间:2023-02-21 21:58来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  钢筋混凝土,上承式拱桥,预应力,桥梁博士软件


Title   The design of reinforced concrete deck box arch bridge             


Abstract This design is about reinforced concrete box arch bridge。 According to the terrain and other design parameters are given, and combined with the bridge instances built before and the relevant specification, to program design, the reinforced concrete arch bridge in cable-stayed bridge is selected, continuous-rigid frame bridge and the arch bridge , which has span of 160m and the main beam height of 4m。 This paper describes the design of the bridge and calculation process。 Bridge scheme is selected in the first place, and designing the main bridge overall layout is after that。 The next work is the calculation of the force on the upper structure and main reinforcement, and the check of strength and stress is following。 Simultaneously, the design strictly follows the norms about this kind of bridge design and construction enacted by the ministry of transportation。 Finally it achieved the combination of theory and practice。

Keywords:  RC, deck arch bridge, prestressing force, Dcotor bridge software。

目   次

1 引言 1

1。1 概述 1

1。2设计资料 2

1。3 设计规范 3

2 桥型设计方案比选 4

2。1 初选设计方案说明 4

2。2 方案比选 4

2。3 推荐桥型方案 15

3 基本数据及拱轴系数 16

3。1 主要构件材料及其数据 16

3。2 主拱圈截面几何要素的计算 17

3。3 拱轴系数计算 18

4 主梁内力计算 19

4。1 结构离散及建模 19

4。2 主梁承载能力极限状态验算 20

4。3 正常使用极限状态验算 30源-于,优+尔^论=文。网wwW。yOueRw。com 原文+QQ752。018766

4。4 主梁位移验算 45

4。5 钢束应力验算 47

5。运营阶段主拱圈计算 52

5。1 结构自重内力计算 52

5。2 拱圈强度验算 53 上承式钢筋混凝土箱型拱桥设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_140900.html
