Evaluation on the Urbanization Level of Jiangsu Province at the City Scale
Abstract: Based on the city scale, in this paper, the reseacher takes the city as the evaluation unit to evaluate the urbanization level of 13 prefecture-level cities in Jiangsu Province. According to the three principles of scientific, comprehensiveness as well as data availability, 16 index data were selected to construct the comprehensive index system of urbanization evaluation in Jiangsu Province. The data processing and analysis of 16 original indicators of 13 prefecture-level cities in Jiangsu Province in 2015 were carried out. First, the factor analysis was used to reduce the dimension of the index. In the result, the reseacher get the three factors, the urbanization factor, the urban industrialization factor as well as the urban science and technology factor and calculates the respective city scoring and ranking. Then, 13 types of prefecture-level cities in Jiangsu Province were pided into three types by cluster analysis. The clustering results were compared with the city scores, and the spatial distribution pattern of urbanization in Jiangsu Province was drawn. This paper makes a comprehensive evaluation as well as analyzes the limiting factors of its urbanization development. Finally, according to the result of factors analysis and cluster analysis, the reseacher puts forward reasonable suggestions for the urban development work in Jiangsu Province.
Key words: Jiangsu; city scale; urbanization level; factors analysis; cluster analysis
Key words1
二、研究方法介绍 2
(一)因子分析法 2
(二)聚类分析法 2
三、构建城市化水平评价综合指标体系 2
四、数据来源与处理 3
(一)数据标准化处理 3
(二)因子分析 5
(三)聚类分析 6
五、评价结果分析 8
(一)一类城市 8
(二)二类城市 9
(三)三类城市 10
优尔、结语 10
市域尺度的江苏省城市化水平评价 引言 当今中国城市化发展的速度和规模呈现前所未有的态势,城市数量迅速增加,规模逐步扩大[1]。改革开放至今的30多年中,我国城市化进程不断加快,并成为推动经济发展的重要力量。城市化水平是衡量城市化发展程度的主要指标,城市化水平评价研究也逐渐成为研究人员关注的重点。江苏省作为中国经济最发达的省份之一,GDP一直在全国范围内处于领先地位,但是,由于综合条件的空间差异和一些历史原因,江苏省区域内部的经济和社会发展水平仍然存在显著差距。本文从市域尺度的城市化水平评价入手,对江苏省的城市化水平进行分析和评价,这对江苏省制定区域发展战略和政策具有非常重要的意义。
江苏地处中国东部,介于东经116°18′-121°57′,北纬30°45′-35°20′之间,地理上跨越南北,气候、植被也兼具南方和北方的特征。江苏省地理位置优越,东临黄海,与上海市、浙江省、安徽省、山东省接壤。江苏省际陆地边界线3383公里,面积10.72万km2,占中国总领土面积的1.12%,人均国土面积在中国各省中排名末位。江苏地形以平原为主,平原面积达7万多km2,占江苏总面积的70%以上,平原面积比重位居全国各省首位。 市域尺度的江苏省城市化水平评价 :http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_19982.html