
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 土木工程 >


时间:2024-04-25 21:48来源:95221




Abstract:Nansha port area of Guangzhou Port, which is seated on Longxue Island at the southern tip of Guangzhou City, is an important hub for South China, the Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong and Macao to connect home and abroad. With the rapid development of Chinese economy, the need for grain is now becoming higher across the country. The construction of grain terminal for Nansha port area of Guangzhou Port is beneficial to loading and unloading grain from the northern of our country and abroad. At present, Nansha port area of Guangzhou Port is completed in the area of 100000-tonnage and 70000-tonnage discharging berth. The number of the 2000-tonnage berth is five. In order to further expand the capacity of grain loading and unloading in Nansha port area, a 100000-tonnage loading and unloading berth is proposed.

The graduation design is mainly including the following work. Firstly, the local collected meteorological data of Guangzhou City, combined with geological and hydrological data should be collected well, which makes me determine the structure of the grain terminal precisely, standing pile wharf. Secondly, the layout of the terminal and the estimated size of the component should be determined. Thirdly, the force calculation will be completed, which contains load calculation, panel calculation, stringer calculation, beam calculation, pile calculation, and the calculation of the berthing member.Finanlly, we use professional software,which is called as Computer Aided Design to make drawings Moreover, in the process of the calculation of the internal force, some professional engineering calculation software can be used to obtain the better calculation result, such as Easy Doing Engineering Software and Structural Mechanics Solver.

Keywords: Nansha port area; grain; standing pile wharf; structural calculation


第一章 绪论 1

1.1概述 1

1.2主要研究内容 1

第二章 设计资料 2

2.1地形条件 2

2.2设计船型 2

2.3气象条件 2

2.3.1气温 2

2.3.2降水 3

2.3.3风况 3

2.3.4雾况 3

2.3.4冰况 3

2.4水文条件 广州港南沙港区10万吨粮食码头设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_203538.html
