
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 土木工程 >


时间:2024-05-11 22:10来源:95354





Abstract:The high-piled wharf is the main terminal structure in the south of China. The unique structure of the high-piled wharf can transfer the load from the upper part of the pier to the lower pile foundation and then the lower pile foundation to the soil layer. The solution to the southern port of China.

Zhanjiang Port is located in the Leizhou Peninsula, Guangdong Province, known as the natural deepwater harbor, the terminal project is located in the planning of the Tung Tau Shan Island area east of the East Island 6.5km deep waterline area, it can be very good to dock large tonnage ships. Ore by rail or water transport can reach the southwest of China.

This design mainly considers several aspects: the meteorological and hydrological conditions of the proposed dock location, and the geological data of the area, and then analyzes and summarizes the design of the terminal for the high pile structure, and then according to the ship load conditions The overall size of the pier. In the design of the load calculation, panel design, stringer design, beam design, by boat structure design, and carried out the necessary internal force checking. The beam is calculated using easy-to-use software. And made CAD drawing drawings.

Keywords:zhanjiang port;Bulk cargo terminal;piled wharf;Structural calculation

第一章 绪论 1

1.1概述 1

1.2研究内容 1

1.3码头布置 1

第二章 设计资料 2

2.1营运资料 2

2.2设计条件 2

第三章 码头的主要尺寸与平面布置 3

3.1码头主要尺寸 3

3.1.1码头前沿高程 3

3.1.2码头前沿设计水深 3

3.1.3码头长度 4

3.2码头平面布置 4

3.2.1港区水域的平面布置 4

3.2.2港内陆域的平面布置 5

3.3港区主要生产辅助建筑物的布置 8

3.4装卸工艺 8

第四章 码头荷载计算 9

4.1恒载 9
