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时间:2024-10-19 20:20来源:98025
本文综述了建筑降低能耗的必然性及导致建筑能耗的相关因素;介绍了不同用 于建筑能耗分析软件。




The Research of Energy consumption analysis and energy conservation of the community sports center in Tianjin 


Energy can be maintained by reducing waste and loss, increasing efficiency,  and through technical upgrades and improved operations and maintenance. Improving energy efficiency plays an important role in urban construction,but in our country,only a small part is energy-saving buildings. The main reason is that China began to pay less attention to the efficiency of energy use than other developed countries,in energy-saving    software,energy-saving design and energy-saving equipment field research has not yet matured.The related research of building energy-saving mainly depends on the application of simulation software of energy consumption. The main function of building energy simulation software is to predict and design the building energy consumption.

For a building,the form of building and its enclosure structure directly affects the heat transfer,natural ventilation and natural day-lighting of the building and outdoor environment,and the energy consumption of different architectural design forms and equipment selection is quite pergent. This article mainly unifies the Tianjin    Community Sports Center,elaborated the related building energy consumption software in the project actual use application situation. The model is gradually established through some relative parameters of the building,such as the meteorological parameters of the location,the building envelope and the setting of the indoor condensation and heat load. By means of the analysis  of  control  variables,using  DeST  energy  consumption  simulation  software to

analyze the energy consumption of different cold and heat source systems,the paper puts forward the most energy-saving heat and cold source scheme,which provides an  effective theoretical reference for simulating other same types of buildings.At the same time,it also studies the influence of the related terminal system on the building energy consumption and the simulation of the construction in the actual use of which operating mode can be more energy-saving.

Keywords: energy analysis,energy conservation research,DeST


0引言 1 天津市某社区文体中心能耗分析及节能研究:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_204850.html
