The Architectural and Structure Design of Multilayer Logistics Plant in Sanzao New Industrial Park of Shanghai
Abstract:The project which has been designed is the the architectural and structure design of multilayer logistics plant in sanzao new industrial park of shanghai. The structure of building is cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame system. It has 3 floors on the ground.Its height is 19.4 meters. The bodily form is almost symmetrical which is not only favorable for construct but also has good behavior when resisting the action of earthquake.
The design mainly includes the structure design.
The structural design process mainly concludes three steps: choosing the structural program, structural calculation and structure drawing.
First, a suitable program was established. The structural arrangement should make the plane shape and bodily form simple and regulate. So, the stiffness of each part will be uniform and symmetry. In this way, the possibility of distortion will be reduced.
Structural calculation involves the following contents: framework, slab, foundation and stairs.
One frame was chosen to compute. Then structural design software—PKPM was used to calculate the structure on the ground.
The structural drawings were drawn according to the calculated results.
Key Words:cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame system; structure design
1 建筑方案设计
1.1 设计依据
[1] 《建筑结构荷载规范》(GB 50009-2001)2006年版;
[2] 《建筑抗震设防分类标准》(GB 50223-2010);
[3] 《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 50011-2010);
[4] 《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB 50010-2010);
[5] 《建筑结构制图标准》(GB/T50105-2010);
[6] 《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GB 50007-2002);
[7] 《上海市地基基础设计规范》(DGJ08-11-2010);
[8] 《上海市建筑抗震设计规程》(DGJ08-9-2003);
[9] 《建筑桩基技术规范》(JGJ94-2008);
1.2 设计要求
本工程为上海三灶工业园区新建多层物流厂房工程,位于上海市南汇区,总建筑面积为4101㎡。考虑到建筑厂房的功能,整个主体厂房为长方形,在建筑的北面和东面设置缓坡坡道。建筑平面尺寸62.4m×34.1m,共3层,第一层层高4.8m,其余各层层高为4.5m,总高为16.8m,配备有3部货运电梯,2部平行双跑楼梯,每层设置男女卫生间2间,男女更衣室、盥洗室各一间,一层设办公室、保卫室各一间,标准层设办公室、会议室各一间。 现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构三层物流厂房建筑与结构设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_3895.html